Its an odd thing when someone you care about is dying. I've watched my grandfather become such an empty being in the last year. This is'nt a woe is me journal, I just think it's kinda weird that this man that I could always look to for guidance or support has become someone I feel awkward around. I feel awkward because I know we are all waiting on him to die, because I know he is waiting to die. It's awkward because I dont look at him the same way I used to, I'm not able to find the same strength in him that I could before. I've never really dealt with death on a personal level, and I'm not handleing it very well. I'm okay with the fact that he is going to pass, I'm sure I'll be relieved actually. But the time I spend with him now, its awkward for me, and I know that he feels it. It makes me feel bad that I just cant shoot the shit with him like I did before. Or be straight with him like it always has been. He no longer questions what I do or how I'm doing. He's just gone already, just waiting and wanting to go. I know later on, when he's gone, I'm going to feel so bad that I let this time pass with the awkwardness there is between us. And I'm gonna feel bad about it and beat myself up about it. But even knowing this, I still cant seem to change it. Thats the hardest part. Okay, sorry for the sad journal.
Somebody else has my profile pic now!
I guess I cant say much tho, I stole it from somebody else on another web site.
Somebody else has my profile pic now!

i had a similar experience with my papa. he had lung cancer and had to be put thru kemo, then he was all doped up on morphine for the remander of his was wierd,you could smell the death in his room. i idealized this guy, he fought in ww2, worked on the docks in oakland, and was the coolest guy ever. i know it's hard, my shitty advice is just to realize he's going through a stage of life we will all go through, and remember what a great person he is/was with the people you love. hope things get easier for you.

I love that pic. It reminds me of myself when I was twelve..... I'll change in after a few days.