Okay, just got back from FLA. The flights were good and I'm glad to be home with my dogs!! My mom was watching them while I was gone and now they both are fat and plump. She feeds them whatever she eating plus extra food in their bowls. Gotta go straight back to work, and work 8 days in a row to make up for the time I lost while out of town. At least I like my job.
If you haven't checked out the pics. They are in [MEMBER=surfbetty's] journal. Hope everyone is doing great!
If you haven't checked out the pics. They are in [MEMBER=surfbetty's] journal. Hope everyone is doing great!
I know I already talked to you, but let me publicly welcome you back......welcome...back.
Why thank you and hello yourself...see...this is why I like AL...such nice peoples.