This is going to be really long and boring so if you dont care you got the heads up.
So theres this guy right, and we dated for a while but I just wasen't feeling it. I'm still not feeling it but I really miss him as a friend. He says he is all twisted because he cant be just be friends with me. Well what the fuck do I say to that, I've told him I cant give him anything relationship like right now. I miss him terribly, but I'm honestly not the type of person to back off. I have a very strong personality, especially when it comes to something I want. Which is a friendship from this man. I admit I sound selfish or feel that way anyway. I was never anything but honest with this guy about my past relationship (which I really feel I just got over, an epihany so to speak). I battled constantly over the terms of our brief (3 month) relationship. The fact is I care about this person deeply and think a relationship could come to us in time but ultimately I really need a friend right now. I have no need for a relationship, I was in one for a long time that ended with lots of questions and doubts. And trust me I've been on the recieving end of someone who just wants to be friends but never on the end of someone who I just wanna be friends with. I dunno what to do, I want this guy in my life very much but cant give him what he wants.
On a good note: I got a call I had been waiting for!
So theres this guy right, and we dated for a while but I just wasen't feeling it. I'm still not feeling it but I really miss him as a friend. He says he is all twisted because he cant be just be friends with me. Well what the fuck do I say to that, I've told him I cant give him anything relationship like right now. I miss him terribly, but I'm honestly not the type of person to back off. I have a very strong personality, especially when it comes to something I want. Which is a friendship from this man. I admit I sound selfish or feel that way anyway. I was never anything but honest with this guy about my past relationship (which I really feel I just got over, an epihany so to speak). I battled constantly over the terms of our brief (3 month) relationship. The fact is I care about this person deeply and think a relationship could come to us in time but ultimately I really need a friend right now. I have no need for a relationship, I was in one for a long time that ended with lots of questions and doubts. And trust me I've been on the recieving end of someone who just wants to be friends but never on the end of someone who I just wanna be friends with. I dunno what to do, I want this guy in my life very much but cant give him what he wants.

On a good note: I got a call I had been waiting for!
uh...yea you that won't work, how about saying....nope that's wrong too......i'm stumped, figuring out relationhip/friendship emotions is like fuckin calculus.i hope you figure everything out.

Hey, who cares how you got onto my page and journal? We're all friends here!! Thanks for signing me, and thanks for agreeing that the documentary is deffo an eye opener and very revelaing. I think shuld everyone should watch it twice so it sinks in. Some people just don't understand