Had a great time at the Woodford Folk Festival and saw in 2007 with some great old freinds, rocking out to The Bird who were the best I've seen them in years. They really worked a massive stadium. It was great to see them in their element. The Festival was everything I dreamed it could be. The truly great acts that I saw included Kaki King who is a 20 year old woman who plays her accoustic guitar like she has known it for a thousand years, The Herd who made me cry when they covered 'I was only 19', Resin Dogs did an amazing tribute to Midnight Oil, Kofka which was this sexy little funk outfit comprized entirely of the biggest music nerds you will ever see - blown away, Coda which are a great strings infused dance outfit, and I'm sure there are others who I can't bring to mind who blew my very sweaty and dusty socks off. The weather, while unpredictable, never hit to any extreme for too long, which was a godsend for a man travelling light. And last but not least I got to spend 4 days there with my oldest friend and his beautiful girlfriend who we've been friends with for half our lives, as well as other friends who visite from Melbourne and Darwin, and their local buddies. All interesting and creative people. I also got to see and meet with many people who are living and thriving in lifestyles that are so much more appealing than the way I am living now. I am seriously thinking about joining a commune, working hard to sustain myself and my community and learning new skills. I have made a resolution to start blogging and writing more to help me remember and teach myself to better put ideas into useful forms. I am goin to stop masturbating, and after my birthday on the 13th I will give up drinking and drugs. I will probably have to change jobs for that to work, so we'll see how that goes. Then again, one of my managers has been on the wagon for the past 6 months and has been incredibly productive so I might be able to do it. I just figure alcohol has been a big part of my life for the past 10 years and it hasn't contributed to a better situation.
That's enough for today. I'm gonna drink a beer, drop a Tamazee and try and get a bat in before I drift off to la la land. 'night all...
Had a great time at the Woodford Folk Festival and saw in 2007 with some great old freinds, rocking out to The Bird who were the best I've seen them in years. They really worked a massive stadium. It was great to see them in their element. The Festival was everything I dreamed it could be. The truly great acts that I saw included Kaki King who is a 20 year old woman who plays her accoustic guitar like she has known it for a thousand years, The Herd who made me cry when they covered 'I was only 19', Resin Dogs did an amazing tribute to Midnight Oil, Kofka which was this sexy little funk outfit comprized entirely of the biggest music nerds you will ever see - blown away, Coda which are a great strings infused dance outfit, and I'm sure there are others who I can't bring to mind who blew my very sweaty and dusty socks off. The weather, while unpredictable, never hit to any extreme for too long, which was a godsend for a man travelling light. And last but not least I got to spend 4 days there with my oldest friend and his beautiful girlfriend who we've been friends with for half our lives, as well as other friends who visite from Melbourne and Darwin, and their local buddies. All interesting and creative people. I also got to see and meet with many people who are living and thriving in lifestyles that are so much more appealing than the way I am living now. I am seriously thinking about joining a commune, working hard to sustain myself and my community and learning new skills. I have made a resolution to start blogging and writing more to help me remember and teach myself to better put ideas into useful forms. I am goin to stop masturbating, and after my birthday on the 13th I will give up drinking and drugs. I will probably have to change jobs for that to work, so we'll see how that goes. Then again, one of my managers has been on the wagon for the past 6 months and has been incredibly productive so I might be able to do it. I just figure alcohol has been a big part of my life for the past 10 years and it hasn't contributed to a better situation.
That's enough for today. I'm gonna drink a beer, drop a Tamazee and try and get a bat in before I drift off to la la land. 'night all...
hey thanks for the add, i see you havent been up to much lately tho