Cause I don't have anything to say:
01. Your name plus "y"?
Samy - it works if I was 5.
02. Two feelings at the moment?
Tired and stressed
03. What are you listening to right now?
Motion City Soundtrack - poppy goodness
04. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind:
Tell me that you're alright, that everything is alright
05. Describe where you are right now?
Work in a cube, woohoo
06. The highlight of your week?
Moving to the beach, yah boy.
07. What are you craving to have right now?
08. Any unforgettable childhood memory?
being damn good at baseball until everyone out-grew me.
09. A not-so-good childhood memory?
tons, I was a short, fat, smart kid. 'nough said.
10. What are your nicknames?
Sam, Jewish Pizza Delivery Boy
11. Your plans for tomorrow?
work, moving, talk with a band, that's some exciting shit right there.
12. Your plans for today?
Hockey game, daily show, sleep.
13. Are you thinking of someone right now?
Always am.
14. Ever gotten drunk?
15. Are you single?
Very much so.
16. Say something to the person who posted this before you.
She's a badass
17. Mary has her little lamb. What do you want?
Long fucking list, let me tell you
18. Fill in the blank: "I.."
19. Say anything you like to whoever is reading your answers.
You have no life.
20. Are you feeling hungry?
Nope, just finished lunch.
21. Who do you miss right now?
The kid that changed my life who's in San Jose, I think, right now.
22. Last friend you talked to online?
23. What do you like about night?
24. If you were on a farm what would you want to see?
acres of corn.
25. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up?
baseball player.
26. Last gift?
Hives DVD.
29. Do you play an instrument?
30. What song did you last hear?
Motion City Soundtrack - Resolution
31. Your good luck charm?
None to speak of.
32. Person you hate most?
33. Who makes you laugh the most?
34. What makes you smile?
35. Who has a crush on YOU?
Who knows, I'm oblivious.
36.Who do YOU have a crush on?
01. Your name plus "y"?
Samy - it works if I was 5.
02. Two feelings at the moment?
Tired and stressed
03. What are you listening to right now?
Motion City Soundtrack - poppy goodness
04. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind:
Tell me that you're alright, that everything is alright
05. Describe where you are right now?
Work in a cube, woohoo
06. The highlight of your week?
Moving to the beach, yah boy.
07. What are you craving to have right now?
08. Any unforgettable childhood memory?
being damn good at baseball until everyone out-grew me.
09. A not-so-good childhood memory?
tons, I was a short, fat, smart kid. 'nough said.
10. What are your nicknames?
Sam, Jewish Pizza Delivery Boy
11. Your plans for tomorrow?
work, moving, talk with a band, that's some exciting shit right there.
12. Your plans for today?
Hockey game, daily show, sleep.
13. Are you thinking of someone right now?
Always am.
14. Ever gotten drunk?
15. Are you single?
Very much so.
16. Say something to the person who posted this before you.
She's a badass
17. Mary has her little lamb. What do you want?
Long fucking list, let me tell you
18. Fill in the blank: "I.."
19. Say anything you like to whoever is reading your answers.
You have no life.
20. Are you feeling hungry?
Nope, just finished lunch.
21. Who do you miss right now?
The kid that changed my life who's in San Jose, I think, right now.
22. Last friend you talked to online?
23. What do you like about night?

24. If you were on a farm what would you want to see?
acres of corn.
25. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up?
baseball player.
26. Last gift?
Hives DVD.
29. Do you play an instrument?
30. What song did you last hear?
Motion City Soundtrack - Resolution
31. Your good luck charm?
None to speak of.
32. Person you hate most?
33. Who makes you laugh the most?
34. What makes you smile?
35. Who has a crush on YOU?
Who knows, I'm oblivious.
36.Who do YOU have a crush on?
Heidiy- whaaaa?
02. Two feelings at the moment?
Cold and Content
03. What are you listening to right now?
My Morning Jacket's and Lake Trout's newest
04. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind:
Not a lyric, just a choral moment in a MMJ song
05. Describe where you are right now?
Home office/art studio
06. The highlight of your week?
Talking to a kid who just naturally acted like he was was a RIOT!
07. What are you craving to have right now?
Chocolate....and sex!
08. Any unforgettable childhood memory?
yeah, the time I got into a fight with a chick...and ripped her extensions was nasty!
09. A not-so-good childhood memory?
when mom called animal control to come fummigate (sp?) the bee hive out of the tree in our front yeard. Traumatizing, I tell you.
10. What are your nicknames?
Heidz, Hydro
11. Your plans for tomorrow?
work, beer...CHEAP beer
12. Your plans for today?
Well, MY day is just about over...chocolate, masterbate, bed time
13. Are you thinking of someone right now?
hehe, uh huh
14. Ever gotten drunk?
No, never ::rolls eyes....what the hell kinda question is THAT!?!?!::
15. Are you single?
Kinda, should be, but just...kinda
16. Say something to the person who posted this before you.
I'd like to be his right hand WO-man
17. Mary has her little lamb. What do you want?
A new car and a paper route
18. Fill in the blank: "I.."
am not normal...
19. Say anything you like to whoever is reading your answers.
I really hope you are reading this for content, young man!
20. Are you feeling hungry?
Nah, just had a 'breakfast' diner
21. Who do you miss right now?
Not who, but what...normal freinds
22. Last friend you talked to online?
23. What do you like about night?
the mystery
24. If you were on a farm what would you want to see?
Seriously....cows, fucking. It just seems impossible to me...they are so friggin big! Plus, I havent even seen it on Discovery channel!
25. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up?
An astronaut, amongst 800 other things....
26. Last gift?
that rad Mad Libs book
29. Do you play an instrument?
well, about to start again....the violin, acutally
30. What song did you last hear?
U2's "One"
31. Your good luck charm?
Ha, in the words of the legendary band Cream "If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all!"
32. Person you hate most?
Hate is such a strong word....Extremely dislike, see latest journal entry.
33. Who makes you laugh the most?
Carlos Mencia, My freakin brother!
34. What makes you smile?
Music, good music
35. Who has a crush on YOU?
A couple of dudes...
Ha! Not teeeeeellllling!