Well this has been one shitty weekend for some reason. At least I'm moving to Huntington Beach in a few weeks. That'll be killer. 5 minutes from the beach, even though I'm not much for the beach, should just be awesome. I love living in California. Moving on the otherhand, that'll suck. Too many damn boxes of CDs, stuff, and random other stuff. Oh well, its a small price to pay for living that close to the beach.
Oh and write your senators an e-mail and beg them to filibuster the Alito nomination. He will overturn Roe v. Wade and he's completely fine with all this un-constitutional wiretapping. Just google your senators name and you'll get a link to their official website. You can send them an e-mail from there.
Oh and write your senators an e-mail and beg them to filibuster the Alito nomination. He will overturn Roe v. Wade and he's completely fine with all this un-constitutional wiretapping. Just google your senators name and you'll get a link to their official website. You can send them an e-mail from there.
well, not as painful as I thought subsequently.
No, actually, just drank some. I mean, as someone INTO their twenties, I am sure you know the song and dance- boy meets girl (or vice versa) one or the other falls harder than the other and then when the one less INTO the relationship leaves, the one, more loyal than a golden retriever, has a massive heartbreak. Blah Blah Blah, and so the story goes. But, it sure builds character!
Also, on the latest edition of the magazine Uncut, Theres a really cool bonus CD if you are into 80's modern post punk/underground scene....I highly recommend it!

Oh I'm on top of that.