Reading up on cat care, and I'm scared.
There's just so much to think about, and so much I have to know. Things like nail trimming and proper food and how do I keep kitty a good kitty? Ray's cat used to scratch up everything in the house. I don't want that. And I don't want kitty to be outside. Some people's kitties are scared to go outside, and that's the kind of kitty I want so I don't have to worry about kitty getting run over. I think my Little Apartment is big enough for a kitty.
Also I want my house to smell NOT like kitty. I think I will be good about the litter box because poop in the house is something I won't let happen for long. But what about regular cat smell and hair on the couch and all that? I'm allergic to cats, actually... but I've been able to deal with that in the past so I don't think it will be an issue here... though it depends on the kitty, I think.
I have to hang out with Beth and her kitty and learn things.
Please tell me more about kitties if you know. I joined the Kitties Group and I think it scared me more than comforted me... I mean, one person says "wet food only!" then another says "wet food makes cats puke!" and I just don't know.
Yes, I will adopt the kitty, of course, if I get one. Not sure where from. I want a kitten not an adult, which is also more scary because that means I have to raise kitty right.
So much responsibility!!! And that's a commitment for 18 years or more! It's like having a kid!!! Aaarrrggghh!1!!!11
I'm not rushing into this. Gonna do plenty thinking first.
Story about another kitty:

Also I want my house to smell NOT like kitty. I think I will be good about the litter box because poop in the house is something I won't let happen for long. But what about regular cat smell and hair on the couch and all that? I'm allergic to cats, actually... but I've been able to deal with that in the past so I don't think it will be an issue here... though it depends on the kitty, I think.
I have to hang out with Beth and her kitty and learn things.

Please tell me more about kitties if you know. I joined the Kitties Group and I think it scared me more than comforted me... I mean, one person says "wet food only!" then another says "wet food makes cats puke!" and I just don't know.

Yes, I will adopt the kitty, of course, if I get one. Not sure where from. I want a kitten not an adult, which is also more scary because that means I have to raise kitty right.
So much responsibility!!! And that's a commitment for 18 years or more! It's like having a kid!!! Aaarrrggghh!1!!!11

I'm not rushing into this. Gonna do plenty thinking first.
Story about another kitty:
wow, I am slacking today. I got a paragraph written! That's it. I want it to be over but I just can't get it done.
everyone has an opinion, this site should have an aka like suicide people with cats or something.
here's my 2 cents (I have had cats for over 20 years) first dont get one. You seem to travel a lot and you'll have to deal with that. Second they smell especially in a smallish apt. Third if you allergic it will make matters worse. Having said that I would suggest you do not get a kitten. Too much trouble. Get a 2 year old. Get a female one that has been fixed and preferably de-clawed. if u have a cat with claws theyll rip everything up regardless of what you do or others say. They cannot be trained like a dog and no matter how hard you try to educate them to only scratch where it is appropriate as soon as you piss the cat off (which is often) they tear something else up. This is my experience, for whats its worth.
loved the tat. either I am loosing my mind or was away but I do not recall seeing it before