Yeah, it was good. Not as good as the last tour, in my opinion. And the venue wasn't really set up for that kind of show. I much preferred the Troc. Stormy, Shera, and Pearl were very obviously missing. And it felt cut off at the end without the Chocolate Salty Balls finale.
But it was still awesome- Reagan was delightful as ever, Nixon was so hot I nearly came in my pants, and there was a new SG there that I think they announced as Reno Suicide, who's not on the list here on the site, but she moves real goood. Her profile here is still member-status without even any journal.
Ray enjoyed the show from farther back (I was way up front again, where it's too hot for him to handle) and he said afterwards that compared to this show, a strip club would be disappointing. After the show, nobody wanted to hang out. That was kinda lame, cuz I made sure to nap beforehand so I'd be able to stay up late. But it turned out okay, cuz me and Ray went home and had some really good post-SGB sex. Mmmyum. I'd describe it for you, but you probably don't want to hear the details.
I got to see / hang out with / meet a bunch of SG folks last night- Grrryphon, 4Stella4Star, Salty, Mandarin, Stiles, Clover, Karma, Willow and other people I can't recall at the moment but I LOVE YOU ALL ANYWAY! But there just wasn't enough hanging out time. I barely even got to give everyone hugs.
Time is so precious.
Other news: I just applied to the SGNJ group. I always felt kinda like I didn't know enough people there to apply... or maybe I didn't cuz I wasn't invited, or maybe cuz there comes a point when you have TOO MANY friends and can't afford to have more... but really I think it's just about time I admitted that our Neighbors Across the River are people, too.
And you know how much I love events.
Poor Ray is feeling left-out again because I was planning to go to another event that he can't make for time-and-money reasons. It's hard enough balancing my schedule, but to make both of our schedules work it's tough.
Oops, gotta go change my tampon and get to class.