Sorry to Hopefuls, no picture today, I had so much fun. I got all my errands done except for the laundry. Pretty lousy day though. Heard from my doctor. Caffeine has been removed from my diet. I had just been moderating it when they said I had to down size how much I drink but now it's a no no. I have three 24 packs of pop in my fridge. Withdrawal can kiss my ass.
I got sick earlier today so I've spent most of the day asleep and now am dosing off while watching Golden Girls. I still feel sick but I got food down today. I don't know how to tell David it's getting worse. On of the other MPs told me to wait until he gets home. He's down to about nineteen days until he gets home and he's really anxy and grumpy. I only try and tell him good news. It sucks but I know its best. He's been so supportive over what's been going on. I should of kept most of it to myself but first year of marriage I don't want to lie about something as serious as this. Telling him nothings wrong is starting to get old really fast though.
I'll be so happy when he's home.
Today it was so cute, I had gone up to sleep and Mork (the cat) followed me upstairs. I curled up and fell asleep. An hour later my mom comes in and starts laughing at us. Mork is curled up around my head, his head resting on mine sleeping while I've been sleeping. He always sleeps with me when I'm feeling like shit.
I really want to see Dear John. I'll probably go alone because I don't know how David will react to some of the scenes. I was told not to go to movies he didn't pick out. Especially ones with war in them. But I'm also worried about going by myself. It's a Nicholas Sparks novel based movie and all those movies end with someone dying. Or someone dying in them. I haven't read the book so no one tell me what happens. I hate spoilers.
To all the Hopefuls who have asked for a drawing, I am working on striped eclair, after that is Embla, Cattie, Zen when she has pics up. Just ask girls and I'll try to get them done in a timely matter. It is a just for fun thing, also to the girls I have drawn or will be drawing shortly I would like your permission to place the drawings on my DA page. I am so proud of how they are turning out and I would give full credit and links to you all. Just let me know.
Only nineteen days left, I know you wont read this until after then but I love you David and miss the hell out of you
I got sick earlier today so I've spent most of the day asleep and now am dosing off while watching Golden Girls. I still feel sick but I got food down today. I don't know how to tell David it's getting worse. On of the other MPs told me to wait until he gets home. He's down to about nineteen days until he gets home and he's really anxy and grumpy. I only try and tell him good news. It sucks but I know its best. He's been so supportive over what's been going on. I should of kept most of it to myself but first year of marriage I don't want to lie about something as serious as this. Telling him nothings wrong is starting to get old really fast though.
I'll be so happy when he's home.
Today it was so cute, I had gone up to sleep and Mork (the cat) followed me upstairs. I curled up and fell asleep. An hour later my mom comes in and starts laughing at us. Mork is curled up around my head, his head resting on mine sleeping while I've been sleeping. He always sleeps with me when I'm feeling like shit.
I really want to see Dear John. I'll probably go alone because I don't know how David will react to some of the scenes. I was told not to go to movies he didn't pick out. Especially ones with war in them. But I'm also worried about going by myself. It's a Nicholas Sparks novel based movie and all those movies end with someone dying. Or someone dying in them. I haven't read the book so no one tell me what happens. I hate spoilers.
To all the Hopefuls who have asked for a drawing, I am working on striped eclair, after that is Embla, Cattie, Zen when she has pics up. Just ask girls and I'll try to get them done in a timely matter. It is a just for fun thing, also to the girls I have drawn or will be drawing shortly I would like your permission to place the drawings on my DA page. I am so proud of how they are turning out and I would give full credit and links to you all. Just let me know.
Only nineteen days left, I know you wont read this until after then but I love you David and miss the hell out of you
your drawings are nice 

i enjoy seeing who you draw next. i'm a hopeful *nudge nudge*