Okay discovered my scanner is broke so it'll be a while before drawings are up to quality however I do have a working camera so with out farther ado I give the sexy beast with the hot machines Maddyx in her glorious MR set Black Cherry
Again my apologies for the quality it will be a month or two before I get a new one but I'll still bring you the lovely Hopefuls as I can.

Again my apologies for the quality it will be a month or two before I get a new one but I'll still bring you the lovely Hopefuls as I can.
Wow, you are so talented, beautiful drawing 

^_^ yes we should Chaos ^_^ anyone who I have seen posting in the Hopefuls about wanting one will also get one, right now my current order I believe is Striped eclair , Embla, Cattie, Zen when she has pics up. Reminder these are just for fun when I have commissions come in I need to work on those cause well I need to get bills done, when your picture is done I will leave a note on your blogs with a link^_^ striped eclair should (not positive) but should be done later tonight. So don't be surprised if sometimes it takes a bit to get done. I have an editor breathing done my neck right now for new panels lol. Thank god they don't take long lol. On downside I should never do another five part series again. Thanks again girls ^_^