X-x feeling dead to the world, lol, been working pretty much constantly on my comic book. It's a mix of different things, mostly fantasy world mixed with issues people deal with today. Political, personal, religious, relatively speaking it's rather large. A three piece series for the main book, if it gets picked up. I've talked to a few publishers and they say they want to see it completed before they can decide anything.
I'm just happy they said they wanted to see it again. I'll post a few more pictures of the panels, probably the first few pages. I've redone this thing so many times trying to get the style I want and I finally got it so now just rolling with it.
Thanks to ProgramChaos32 for the answer and everyone for their support with the comic book and set. It looks like it got moved up to January 11th. I might see it now. I move into our new apartment on the 12 and it doesn't have internet but if I'm at a hotel then I might get a chance to look to see how it's doing. I hope so. My mom's going to be with me so for the most part I'm going to be with her until February.
I can't wait to get back to El Paso.I'm terrified of moving with my mom. Mostly cause she's gonna leave after a week or two and I don't know when David will be home in February. I hope it's before Valentines Day. Last Valentines Day we were at a wedding and I was sad and got a little drunk so we couldn't go to the 101 Night Club's party after. Champagne is not for me. Actually most drinks aren't.
David has seen me slammed before but I can't remember it. The cat peed on our bed at like twelve in the morning so I was doing laundry until three when David came home from work, I was mad and told him to give me a shot of Jack. Well a shot became a triple shot and I remember waking up naked and him smiling. I don't know what happened and he wouldn't tell me.
I'm an easy drunk lol.
Well I wanted to ask everyone for some issues that people deal with. I have bunch already but I want to make sure I don't cross over with some stuff so if anyone has suggestions I'd appreciate them. It's for the comic book. Most of the stuff I have already somewhere in there deals with things my friends have dealt with along with myself. Thanks and have a great one ^_^

Thanks to ProgramChaos32 for the answer and everyone for their support with the comic book and set. It looks like it got moved up to January 11th. I might see it now. I move into our new apartment on the 12 and it doesn't have internet but if I'm at a hotel then I might get a chance to look to see how it's doing. I hope so. My mom's going to be with me so for the most part I'm going to be with her until February.
I can't wait to get back to El Paso.I'm terrified of moving with my mom. Mostly cause she's gonna leave after a week or two and I don't know when David will be home in February. I hope it's before Valentines Day. Last Valentines Day we were at a wedding and I was sad and got a little drunk so we couldn't go to the 101 Night Club's party after. Champagne is not for me. Actually most drinks aren't.
David has seen me slammed before but I can't remember it. The cat peed on our bed at like twelve in the morning so I was doing laundry until three when David came home from work, I was mad and told him to give me a shot of Jack. Well a shot became a triple shot and I remember waking up naked and him smiling. I don't know what happened and he wouldn't tell me.

Well I wanted to ask everyone for some issues that people deal with. I have bunch already but I want to make sure I don't cross over with some stuff so if anyone has suggestions I'd appreciate them. It's for the comic book. Most of the stuff I have already somewhere in there deals with things my friends have dealt with along with myself. Thanks and have a great one ^_^