there's a strong possibility that i will be healthy enough and financially secure enough to come down to orlando for the last weekend in june.
i'm mostly just waiting to hear from one of my uncles about how much tuition assistance i can get for next semester. depending upon the answer will depend upon whether or not i can afford to fly.
i know i said this before in march, but right now i have very little affecting my life in ways which would prevent me from visiting. being both jobless and schoolless means that not much can really trap me here by surprise.
i'm mostly just waiting to hear from one of my uncles about how much tuition assistance i can get for next semester. depending upon the answer will depend upon whether or not i can afford to fly.
i know i said this before in march, but right now i have very little affecting my life in ways which would prevent me from visiting. being both jobless and schoolless means that not much can really trap me here by surprise.
I will make a modest effort!

definitely can't do both. most likely can't do tomorrow. will do my best to get out sundee.