So alot of you people have asked, "Hey Gonzen, what's your favorite shows you've seen?" Actually no one asked such things, however I feel obligated to give you an answer. So without further Apu, here are my top five of all times! The dates are sometimes a guess, but that matters not!
Number Five
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Youth Brigade- 1993? (Church-Paramus NJ)
What a great old fashioned punk rock show. Kids with wacky hair, boots and spikes all in a pit, not beating the shit out of each other like the metal kids loved to do, but arms around shoulders, swaying along and then ending with "Sink with California" with everyone spinning around in a great big circle. Some much unity from a bunch of white privileged kids with 5 dollars in their pocket and a can of food for the poor. They don't make em like they used to!

Number 4
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. Death in June/Boyd Rice- 1997 (November 7 - Angel Orensanz Foundation, New York, NY)
A cool ass place, an old church where Boyd Rice MCed in a full Nazi uniform, looking mean and menacing. Douglas P was a prick and Death in June a bit blah. But Boyd the Nazi was amazing, causing a looping sound of noise so intoxicating that I almost puked and or passed out. Afterwards he signed our tickets and was nice as shit. Douglas P was no where in sight

Number 3
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NIN- 2008 (August 27- Izod Center, East Rutherford NJ)
I really didn't expect much of this, however I was wrong. Just an amazing sound, mixed with visuals that ranked up with any blockbuster movie. Colors moving with the music, dancing in dangling light sticks and everyone curious as to what they were looking at for a while. It was Trendy Reznor's mouth. Steal his music people, he demands it.

Here comes 2...
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The Damned- 1996? (Coney Island High, NYC)
What a great number two this is. Great place that I miss, taken away from us with a boo. I have never been so happy, being packed in like cattle, I couldn't breath from the pressure but I couldn't care. They played all the old hits, Plan 9 was chilling to hear. The Captain was there, with bananas and some other wacky shit on. The only downside was my gf at the time got asked to hang with the band and drink beer while I shat in a cup. Or I just waited with my friends, either or?

and last but the first...
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Neubauten- 1994/2000/2004 (Irving Plaza-NYC)
And I've seen them three times for a reason. You can't take your eyes off Blixa in his suit and his bare feet. They play jet engines split open with metal sticks, compressors and various other machines. I've heard wuste, NNNAAAMMM, Headcleaner, Silence is Sexy and countless others. There is nothing more interesting to see then them. The last time I was right in front, getting tired but I would not leave. Blixa come back to America, I'll buy you a hot dog and you can speak German with me. Loves to you always!
PS- Play with Nick Cave one last time so I can see that too.
PPS- Einheint I like you too, but Alexander Hacke you're funny but fruity!

Maybe I'll do the top TEN worst of all time, but enjoy this for now!