So i had a good thanksgiving, my grand pa talked aboot the war, found out his father was a dairy farmer in France and then took a job at the Waldorf Astoria as a chef. Ah old people. But I was outnumbered children, Your friend Gonzo was surrouned, sans my grandpa, by moderate conservatives. I love my grandpa I think he gives me my liberal edge. So kids after having the weirdo mydogfarted show up for my birthday a day early cuz he's a stoner, I'm laying out the plan for a new and better America! If you find me a terriorist then get a gun and come blow me away. Just don't call me afterwards baby!
Point 1: Legalize the Mary Jane. Look folks there are a million reasons to do this. You have to be a small minded moron to think that has a head full of charcoal to not see how this is a benefit.
Point 2: In lines with point one, re/pre name New York New Amsterdam. It just sounds cool and if you legalize pot, it will just become so much more exotic and just cool.
Point 3: Legalize prostitution: Imgaine that big fat turd that couldn't get a date choosing between going out and burning down the houses of parliament cuz he can't get his dick licked, or saving up for the Wednesday 2 for 1 special where he gets two blow jobs, a side order of fries and a 2 liter bottle of coke for 20 bucks from Dominos? dude that's a good deal.
Point 4: Gay people should marry. End of story, and I should be able to watch, ONLY if they are attractive cuz I'm a jerk
Point 5: Abortions for all. That's right let's cut down on the toll of overpopulations and start aborting people. If only Hitler's mom had a coat hanger and some really stiff drinks, how the world could change. Ok ok, how bout just Pro choice bitches?
Point 6: No more people in the south in charge, again adn ever.
Point 7: Everyone in America should marry me, as long as they look good so good.
Point 8: Let the bigots and racists die. They should invent a machine that tells you if you are racist or not and if you are, no health care for you. Case closed.
Point 9: Ummmm I'm drunk so I forgot this one.
and lastly...
Point 10: America have a damn sense of humor of yourself. You're a bunch of chubby wankers knowing that you all just want to blow your loads, smoke your pot, and be left alone. Fight for what's important in this world, not just money and power. There are problems in Pakinstan/India, Iraq, Dafur and the Congo. Remember as this econmy sours that you have a roof over your head and no rifle butt to keep you down. Take time out from our self important lives and learn to love again. I know you can, I've seen the glimmer in your eyes and hope in your bones.
Ok enough of that, I'm tipsy and going off, Boomshanka my friends and if anyone needs a hug during this cold cold winter,remember me.
Point 1: Legalize the Mary Jane. Look folks there are a million reasons to do this. You have to be a small minded moron to think that has a head full of charcoal to not see how this is a benefit.
Point 2: In lines with point one, re/pre name New York New Amsterdam. It just sounds cool and if you legalize pot, it will just become so much more exotic and just cool.
Point 3: Legalize prostitution: Imgaine that big fat turd that couldn't get a date choosing between going out and burning down the houses of parliament cuz he can't get his dick licked, or saving up for the Wednesday 2 for 1 special where he gets two blow jobs, a side order of fries and a 2 liter bottle of coke for 20 bucks from Dominos? dude that's a good deal.
Point 4: Gay people should marry. End of story, and I should be able to watch, ONLY if they are attractive cuz I'm a jerk
Point 5: Abortions for all. That's right let's cut down on the toll of overpopulations and start aborting people. If only Hitler's mom had a coat hanger and some really stiff drinks, how the world could change. Ok ok, how bout just Pro choice bitches?
Point 6: No more people in the south in charge, again adn ever.
Point 7: Everyone in America should marry me, as long as they look good so good.
Point 8: Let the bigots and racists die. They should invent a machine that tells you if you are racist or not and if you are, no health care for you. Case closed.
Point 9: Ummmm I'm drunk so I forgot this one.
and lastly...
Point 10: America have a damn sense of humor of yourself. You're a bunch of chubby wankers knowing that you all just want to blow your loads, smoke your pot, and be left alone. Fight for what's important in this world, not just money and power. There are problems in Pakinstan/India, Iraq, Dafur and the Congo. Remember as this econmy sours that you have a roof over your head and no rifle butt to keep you down. Take time out from our self important lives and learn to love again. I know you can, I've seen the glimmer in your eyes and hope in your bones.
Ok enough of that, I'm tipsy and going off, Boomshanka my friends and if anyone needs a hug during this cold cold winter,remember me.

this is why i love you.