ok i guess its time i actually write a new blog
you know not much has gone on since my last one.
lets see.. well i couldnt get any drawing in due to my video game addiction
so i solved that problem by getting rid of all our consoles.. lol i think _Andy_
is starting to go through withdrawals now.. im kind of missing the nexflix on the ps3 though haha.
but since we got rid of stuff ive been drawing more frequently, more tattoo flash than anything..
i kind of put a hold on the SG vectors. i really need to get more stuff in for my portoflio if i want to find
somebody that will be willing to teach me the ways.
i guess thats it for now ill post a couple pics now and put the some other ones on later...
did this in liquid acrylic
some of my cholo star wars collection
these ive been doing on14x17.. im trying to de bigger pieces for now
lol lastly (for now) i did this one in liquid acrylic.. i did it for king to match her other tattoo!!

you know not much has gone on since my last one.
lets see.. well i couldnt get any drawing in due to my video game addiction
so i solved that problem by getting rid of all our consoles.. lol i think _Andy_
is starting to go through withdrawals now.. im kind of missing the nexflix on the ps3 though haha.
but since we got rid of stuff ive been drawing more frequently, more tattoo flash than anything..
i kind of put a hold on the SG vectors. i really need to get more stuff in for my portoflio if i want to find
somebody that will be willing to teach me the ways.
i guess thats it for now ill post a couple pics now and put the some other ones on later...
did this in liquid acrylic

some of my cholo star wars collection

these ive been doing on14x17.. im trying to de bigger pieces for now

lol lastly (for now) i did this one in liquid acrylic.. i did it for king to match her other tattoo!!

I love your sketches, we should coloabrate on a piece.
cool,not sure how we'll go about it but yea.