Swap Meet Sunday!!!!
Very fuckin awesome from the get go, we go some churros...

vongeek got some sweet socks, then we ate some
authentic taco truck tacos.. which were very tasty
after the we couldnt walk and we were sleepy, cause thats
what mexican food does, kind of like a tranquilizer.
The day continues with my brother in law and I selling a bunch
of our old prescription glasses to a asian lady at the food court
in the mall.. very akward lol
Next I took the profits from our sweet sell to go get me a tmobile
sidekick 08... (just sold my second iPhone lol dont ask me why)
anyways i was all hyped up and ready to unlock it at home... and
after some extensive reading.. the 08 model happens to be the model
that needs to special shit to unlock.. now i have to take it to a place
and pay some dude to frackin do it. what a bummer.
the sweetest part of the day just happen a few minutes ago..
sweet vongeek brought me this home cause i was
feeling down....

and boy was it delicious... om nom nom!!!
Very fuckin awesome from the get go, we go some churros...

vongeek got some sweet socks, then we ate some
authentic taco truck tacos.. which were very tasty

after the we couldnt walk and we were sleepy, cause thats
what mexican food does, kind of like a tranquilizer.
The day continues with my brother in law and I selling a bunch
of our old prescription glasses to a asian lady at the food court
in the mall.. very akward lol

Next I took the profits from our sweet sell to go get me a tmobile
sidekick 08... (just sold my second iPhone lol dont ask me why)
anyways i was all hyped up and ready to unlock it at home... and
after some extensive reading.. the 08 model happens to be the model
that needs to special shit to unlock.. now i have to take it to a place
and pay some dude to frackin do it. what a bummer.
the sweetest part of the day just happen a few minutes ago..
sweet vongeek brought me this home cause i was
feeling down....

and boy was it delicious... om nom nom!!!
OMG om nom nom! that top pic has made me so hungry lol
woah wait--Hostess still makes the pudding pies?? stop the presses, I thought they were "extinct!"