Wow I came home today to find my new dog had died, vet said it looked like an anyurisim (however the fuck it is spelled).

Might be the altitude, might be something that had been brewing. Dunno.

I am pretty crushed. I guess I am meant to be alone.
I'm sorry to hear about that. :/ Sad sad day for you.
Oh no! You have had a rough few months, my friend. Stay strong.
hello! I'm glad to find another engineer around! xoxo
Whoa...... eeek That video was equal parts awesome and "just look away". A tour would be interesting, to be sure. Hmmm.......
Home at last. I hit NYC pretty good last night with my cousin and her boyfriend. Stayed up late and hit some old haunts. Some I have missed some not so much.

I am skipping the aggrolites to get some sleep of which I had none of last night. Chased the sun......good times.
back in the ole us of a. My flight got buggered so I am in NY tonight and fly out to denholio in the afternoon. I gat get rid of some jet lag at a hotel and get ready for the aggrolites show. Should be fun.

Then back to the grind. I get the hound on saturday....That will be cool to have a bit more...
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Done, finito, fin, the End! Rich Guy is happy, I am happy. I also bought the abbey road plugin suite for my box at home. I am in love with the little buggers. Ok shameless plug done.

So friday it is home, if I have enough energy I am going to go and see the Aggrolites with some friends. I need something besides rich guy...
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An old friend of mine has been a Slackers fan since she was a tadpole zygote. Okay, maybe not since then, but you get the idea. When she came to visit 2 years ago, we stopped in Sittard, Netherlands for a Slackers show in some hole in the wall. What a GREAT night! Me thinks it's pretty neat-o that you'e mastering one of their projects.
Back in London town. Next week is 2 days of some final recording and then putting the whole mess together. RG was pretty amazed at the fact that it has been an efficient operation. Not the easy going bullshit at the place in Boulder. We are here to record and not hang out with buddies, show off to said buddies that you can afford it...
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This is quite the interesting life that you lead.
I'm digging on that term "focused ninja".
**files it away for future use** biggrin
Ooof round 2 begins in a bit. These glasgoo punks can sure put it down. I kept up for a while. Good to see my loony friends. They are the kind of folks that no matter how long it is you do not see them it is always like they never left.

We do mixing and tracking next week and then the party is over....
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Not much to report other than almost getting mugged by some idiot kids I guess they are called chavs? I was walking back to the hotel and they followed me. With a semi bum ankle it was hard to walk fast. I just called out the biggest one and asked if he had health insurance. I got a dumb look and said he would need...
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You do realize that I'm living out my fantasy vicariously through you, right? I went to school to learn all that stuff, but ended up not working in a studio. I'll eventually put something together on the computer, I suppose, but I kinda feel like I lost my muse or something. Playing music depresses me. Wow, did this just get all personal or something? I gotta quit smokin' so much dope before I post on people's blogs!
aww honey bunny, no more getting mugged! i dont like it. have fun with kat and andy. when are you coming to Va?
Days 1 & 2.....I think the rich guy is in awe of the place. And the Mic selection is amazing to say the least. It is nice when you can use more than 1 U47, Stereo C12, etc. It is all top shelf I can say. I got to play around with some really old amps today during a break. Just me and a big...
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I'm in awe.
Ahh, your favorite Dyme is a good friend of mine!
I forsee us getting along quite well then... smile
So greetings from the UK. I got my laptop all set up here at the hotel and have overcome a huge case of jet lag/hangover.

I'll be here for 10 days recording. The Rich Guy as I shall call him has gone all out. This journey is not a cheap one for him and I'll do the best job I can for him. I met...
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So that's what you been up to! Have fun!