Not too much to report. Hungout with Napalm Death last night and drank alot of beer. And Trap Them is one of the best live metal bands I have seen in years. See them if you can.

So it looks like a day in bed nursing a hangover and pabst farts.
Pabst farts are brutal especially in a dutch oven of the covers. skull skull skull
Wow, Colorado got walloped with one hell of a snowstorm. I got hit with 42 inches up at my house. It was like ahab battling the whale. I lost power but luckily the old generator did her work well. I had enough juice to have a small movie theater going for neighbors without power. I got full juice back today.

The only real pisser was...
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Snowing like hell up here. Trying to keep up on an atv and a plow had been kind of a battle. But I think I need one. I just keep coming in every hour or so to take a slug of whiskey and a toot on a doob. Gotta stay warm and focused.

Supposed to get 3 feet and maybe more than that the way...
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So I have decided to scrap getting another subaru and will keep the beast rolling. I spent the day fixing all the electrical glitches that are known to happen with them. It is a 1993 in good shape. Getting it ready for the big dump coming up thurs and friday.

I am playing with 4 H Royalty Saturday night at 3 Kings in Denver for...
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So I am back from the sea. Kind of like chthulu. I spent 3 nice quiet days on the Oregon Coast, near Arch Cape. Saw some whales, not the tourists in cannon beach either. Big Grey Whales. I have a spot there I can hide for a reasonable price. I am looking at renting it for a few months in the summer. I need a...
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So I am off to Oregon for 5 Days. I am going to sit on the coast and watch birds, fish and get away from things for a bit. I found out a friend of mine in denver who had been sober for 5 months hit the sauce and booger sugar and tried to hang himself.

He is ok. but I need to get away...
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What? Wait..... Oregon???
Holy Jesus I put up an ad at DU and at the Art Institute today while looking at places and I got 150 responses already. Thats over coffee tomorrow. I guess Mastering internships are few and far between.

Looked at a few more dogs too. Found a sweet lab. She is 6 and in good shape from a forclosure they said. Well behaved and can...
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Derrrrrrrrrrrr, my ears and brain are toast. I have worked on the stereo imagery of 1 song for 10 hours. Rotating a stereo field from here to east fucking jesus and back.

Now it is time for a turd, a doob and a whiskey...... robot
Wow it is snowing like crazy up here at the fortress of solitude. Taking time to breathe tonight after last nights little hoot. Pabst, reefer and Whiskey flowed like water at the Warehouse.

I may be getting a space next to the label so I can move the mastering racket down there and have a place to crash in the city a few nights a...
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Yep. Until either August or October. smile

My other half and I are around the Centennial area.

Good luck with the intern.

Good luck with it all!!
So with the death of the dog I think I am moving to the city. My time here on the mountaintop has been a good run. But I think I need to be closer to people. Might have a crack at a date or two and be able to toot the tin sandwich more than once a month.

I found a place in the baker...
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Baker is not a bad place. Good luck, and belated sorry about the dog. frown

sorry about yr dog frown