Soooo. After much deliberation I made up my mind to go to Vancouver in November. Believe it or not it is a rather big decision. My ex moved out there in August and has been bugging me to come out, but I am not sure that is a good plan. But my band is going out to perform at Grey Cup and I decided to give it a go. I also made plans, seeing as I am out there anyway, so do some visiting with friends after the performances are over.
So now instead of not going at all, I will be staying for an extended time to do some partying with some friends that I don't get to see all that often. And I will get to do all the touristy crap that I didn't get a chance to do last summer when I was there. I had to cut my vacation short last summer when my grandfather died. So I will finish off the things I wanted to do.
The best part is it's a free trip! Paid by the band, tickets and hotel. And then I will stay with my friends so I only need to afford food (no problem) and alocohol (could get pricy
I'll just have to do my best not to go too heavy on the drinking. But I will be celebrating my birthday out there so that could be a little stupid! But I am alowed one stupid night on my birthday right???
Well that is all for now. With any luck maybe I can meet some SG faithfuls from Van while I am out there!!!
So now instead of not going at all, I will be staying for an extended time to do some partying with some friends that I don't get to see all that often. And I will get to do all the touristy crap that I didn't get a chance to do last summer when I was there. I had to cut my vacation short last summer when my grandfather died. So I will finish off the things I wanted to do.
The best part is it's a free trip! Paid by the band, tickets and hotel. And then I will stay with my friends so I only need to afford food (no problem) and alocohol (could get pricy

I'll just have to do my best not to go too heavy on the drinking. But I will be celebrating my birthday out there so that could be a little stupid! But I am alowed one stupid night on my birthday right???

Well that is all for now. With any luck maybe I can meet some SG faithfuls from Van while I am out there!!!
Thank you.
I'm finally getting excited that it's up.

no, american people to talk to are okay (sometimes...) business dealings...FUCKING SUCK