Finally on days off...I have to say the night shift flew by, but that may be due to the lack of break between holidays and night shift...
Anyway I think it is update time and maybe time to fill in a bit about my trip! I had a blast which is a good thing. Arrived in Vancouver on the 19th of January and flew home on the 31st. I don't remember everything but I do know that Sat we went to a puppet show to watch "Famous Puppet Death Scenes". It was fantastic, very funny at parts and somewhat disturbing at others. After the puppet show went out for a few drinks, oh and I should add that the show was on Granville Island and for all my trips to Vancouver for some reason I had never been there, but it was super cool.
Next day of interest would be Tuesday, went to Seymour to snowboard. I needed a day of practice before we went to Whistler as I hadn't been on a hill in two years! Anyway it ended up being about 10 above and I didn't suck nearly as bad as I thought I would and I had a blast. Nothing like snowboarding in a t-shirt.
Thursday was indoor climbing at the local climbing wall. The fantastic girl that I was visiting had never been climbing and wanted to give it a shot. It was a lot of fun, I hadn't been on a wall since I used to run a course for climbing at a youth drop in about 6 years ago. It turns out that being out of practice on the wall is much worse than out of practice on a snowboard so I stuck to pretty easy climbs.
Friday was Whistler day. It was great!!! 0 degrees in the village and -10 at the peak! You can't ask for better. And fresh snow to boot. After the day of snowboarding we had supper in the village and then did a bit of shopping. Drove back to Vancouver that night which was a little on the scetchy side but we survived.
Did some visiting on the weekend and shopped on Monday. Turns out that a friend of mine in highschool went to fashion school in Toronto then moved to Vancouver and opened a store calle Club Annex on Davie Street. Nice shop, and a huge surprise to walk in there and see him, although we ended up talking about high school the whole time and I didn't actually end up shopping...
At other stores I did manage to pick up some shoes and a hoody. The shoes were great! The last pair of $300 Italian Leather OXS shoes, marked down to $109 because the spring fashion is out. I know, they are already 3 months out of style but who cares for that deal! And they are super comfortable.
Then Tuesday, sadly I had to leave. It was tough, I hate goodbyes, even if they are more like see ya laters. I need another vacation!
Here is the shoes, except mine are in grey

Anyway I think it is update time and maybe time to fill in a bit about my trip! I had a blast which is a good thing. Arrived in Vancouver on the 19th of January and flew home on the 31st. I don't remember everything but I do know that Sat we went to a puppet show to watch "Famous Puppet Death Scenes". It was fantastic, very funny at parts and somewhat disturbing at others. After the puppet show went out for a few drinks, oh and I should add that the show was on Granville Island and for all my trips to Vancouver for some reason I had never been there, but it was super cool.
Next day of interest would be Tuesday, went to Seymour to snowboard. I needed a day of practice before we went to Whistler as I hadn't been on a hill in two years! Anyway it ended up being about 10 above and I didn't suck nearly as bad as I thought I would and I had a blast. Nothing like snowboarding in a t-shirt.
Thursday was indoor climbing at the local climbing wall. The fantastic girl that I was visiting had never been climbing and wanted to give it a shot. It was a lot of fun, I hadn't been on a wall since I used to run a course for climbing at a youth drop in about 6 years ago. It turns out that being out of practice on the wall is much worse than out of practice on a snowboard so I stuck to pretty easy climbs.
Friday was Whistler day. It was great!!! 0 degrees in the village and -10 at the peak! You can't ask for better. And fresh snow to boot. After the day of snowboarding we had supper in the village and then did a bit of shopping. Drove back to Vancouver that night which was a little on the scetchy side but we survived.
Did some visiting on the weekend and shopped on Monday. Turns out that a friend of mine in highschool went to fashion school in Toronto then moved to Vancouver and opened a store calle Club Annex on Davie Street. Nice shop, and a huge surprise to walk in there and see him, although we ended up talking about high school the whole time and I didn't actually end up shopping...
At other stores I did manage to pick up some shoes and a hoody. The shoes were great! The last pair of $300 Italian Leather OXS shoes, marked down to $109 because the spring fashion is out. I know, they are already 3 months out of style but who cares for that deal! And they are super comfortable.
Then Tuesday, sadly I had to leave. It was tough, I hate goodbyes, even if they are more like see ya laters. I need another vacation!
Here is the shoes, except mine are in grey

Happy Wednesday
I've never actually been stabbed in the gut, and I'm glad to hear you haven't been either, doesn't look like fun at all....but then again, neither does puking up your guts?!