miss anasthesia unfriended me because she thinks i was not decent on fb chat (after conversation about what is sg just had few words about... submission... of course)
a girls that on her profile has
gets me hot: Irons, stoves, and open flames.
favorite position: Put me where you want me, and make it hurt a little..
fantasy: I'd love to be rich. Just absolutely fucking loaded.
it is tiring to see arrogant young girl teach and punish an older monk
in this conversation i had asked her what was the goal of sg
she explained me you were redefining beauty
so it seems redifining beauty is to unfriend ur friend and destroy any organisation possible
no ?
i m tired of this i though we could b constructive and you might learn something from me
what i got is member blyde exchanging a few emails so we meet in seattle then not show up and member issue doing the same and unfriending me in the end while i had sent her some gifts for xmas
u r not getting anywhere like this
so i ask older sg to b more precise about their goal in redifining beauty and more strict in their selection and explaining you do not create beauty or justice with chaos, arrogance and volatility
i guess i will spend less and less time here as past experiments proves unfruitful
a girls that on her profile has
gets me hot: Irons, stoves, and open flames.
favorite position: Put me where you want me, and make it hurt a little..
fantasy: I'd love to be rich. Just absolutely fucking loaded.
it is tiring to see arrogant young girl teach and punish an older monk
in this conversation i had asked her what was the goal of sg
she explained me you were redefining beauty
so it seems redifining beauty is to unfriend ur friend and destroy any organisation possible
no ?
i m tired of this i though we could b constructive and you might learn something from me
what i got is member blyde exchanging a few emails so we meet in seattle then not show up and member issue doing the same and unfriending me in the end while i had sent her some gifts for xmas
u r not getting anywhere like this
so i ask older sg to b more precise about their goal in redifining beauty and more strict in their selection and explaining you do not create beauty or justice with chaos, arrogance and volatility
i guess i will spend less and less time here as past experiments proves unfruitful
and lots of girls will act arrogant, their new found internet fame often goes on their little cute heads
1 Philosophical: it seems many girls are like maoists ready to kill teachers while they dont know much about nothing and dont seem like they want study philosophy, budism or daoism
This lack of respect, in my eyes, also has a
2 Political aspect
Like Miss Annasthesia said the goal of sg can be redefining beauty in alternative style
I guess for us westerners we could ask what is to define and what is beauty and for that we may go back to Plato.
We could enquire also other traditions such as India or China
But i guess Miss Annasthesia knows all that in her redefinition (we were waiting for her to find greek veg kanons or rather to REdefini greek veg kanons)
She adds 'in alternative way'
Well, considering miss Annasthesia quoted tastes, i bit scared of what is alternative, mainly trash and metal...
And this alternative way seems to fuck around then block, to be totally virtual and without any solidarity in the group
You wont help politics that way
I m just talking about her here but i could say the same about Blyde or Issue and others including many males who have blocked me from beginning
I dont see what political alternative you are proposing here except chaos and sensations without reason
Though i guess is easier to criticize than do, and i myself may not b perfect in keeping friendship
That is another reason why i dont want come back here cause it is putting me in a state of chaos that might go against my tantric vows
Think about it, i think you r not going into any alternative according what i saw here
You should b more faithful ur partners, friends and b grounded in ur own civilization values and aesthetcis before pretending to REdefine what you dont even understand as kids
Isnt it ?