i am going to leave ur website next sunday

i hoped we could build society and study philosophy / budism

but it seems that many women despite being younger and undecuated do not like me even if they often have cam sex

i guess i must have some bad energies, though their lack of respect for teachers/elders seem more young maoism tham confucianism

i think...
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To moderators and complaining members

So b cooperative as you pretend b on this so called alternative site

gimme names and facts so i can talk with them and you and me discuss the alleged facts

you see in your system there nor right for defence nor transparency it seems very soviet

Also not only you act in a sovietic way but you wrote

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teacher nails

teacher love

teacher passio

punished for teachers

loving the teacher

the study

off me

les teachers

les misstres

les mistresses

le teacher

le teachers

nailed by our teacher