Now hopefully you grew up enjoying the glory days of cartoons in the 80's. We had it all, Thundercats, GO-Bots, He-man, Jem and the Holograms, G.I.JOE.........and the Transformers. There was one Transformer who stood above the rest even though he kept to himself. He was the smartest bastard you'd ever meet. And he banged Arcee! You remember her don't you? Well he busted that ass! And he's here to tell you all about that and many other things. I give you....Kup.
Hey, stop scrolling! Hopefully you all still remember me, but if not here's a little history lesson. Believe me I am great with dates, just ask the ladies.
But I'm no pimp. I'm just a simple robot! I'm Kup! And I'm here to tell old war stories, so lets get to it!
Odd as this sounds my war story starts with me telling a war story to a few pals o' mine. I was shooting the shit one day with Wreck-Garr, Blurr, Wheelie and Arcee (DAMN THAT GIRL HAS AMAZING HEADLIGHTS), when all of a sudden who should show up but that femmy shrimp Bumblebee. He convinces everyone to head out to the lake by Quig Mountain for some sun and surfing, and right away I realize he is trying to steal my thunder. So I head down to Quig Mountain to see what Bumblebee is up to with my friends. I get there and he is busting that rap with Arcee so I did what any robot would do. I busted out my surfboard and challenged him to a surf off! So I get out there on the water, taking the waves. I hit one wave, went through the pipe and came back for more. Bumblebee tells me to get the fuck out of there because I took his wave. I told him to fuck off because I'm surfing the other way. So this yellow bitch says, "WTF did you just say?" He gets close to me and I see his right arm come up and I caught his punch with the same arm. Then I blasted him with my fucking death ray. He was stunned so I headbutted him. So he's sitting there in the water dizzy. I came back to the beach to get my stuff and to leave and this asshole comes back down wanting to fight some more. So I say fine. I boxed this bitch until Optimus showed up with his yes men. I told my side of the story and it turns out Bumblebee had beer on the breath, so Optimus let me off with a warning. I was feeling a bit good about myself so I approached Arcee and invited that ass back to Autobot city. Lets just say I had her yelping like a dog stuck under a parked tire!

Hey, stop scrolling! Hopefully you all still remember me, but if not here's a little history lesson. Believe me I am great with dates, just ask the ladies.

Odd as this sounds my war story starts with me telling a war story to a few pals o' mine. I was shooting the shit one day with Wreck-Garr, Blurr, Wheelie and Arcee (DAMN THAT GIRL HAS AMAZING HEADLIGHTS), when all of a sudden who should show up but that femmy shrimp Bumblebee. He convinces everyone to head out to the lake by Quig Mountain for some sun and surfing, and right away I realize he is trying to steal my thunder. So I head down to Quig Mountain to see what Bumblebee is up to with my friends. I get there and he is busting that rap with Arcee so I did what any robot would do. I busted out my surfboard and challenged him to a surf off! So I get out there on the water, taking the waves. I hit one wave, went through the pipe and came back for more. Bumblebee tells me to get the fuck out of there because I took his wave. I told him to fuck off because I'm surfing the other way. So this yellow bitch says, "WTF did you just say?" He gets close to me and I see his right arm come up and I caught his punch with the same arm. Then I blasted him with my fucking death ray. He was stunned so I headbutted him. So he's sitting there in the water dizzy. I came back to the beach to get my stuff and to leave and this asshole comes back down wanting to fight some more. So I say fine. I boxed this bitch until Optimus showed up with his yes men. I told my side of the story and it turns out Bumblebee had beer on the breath, so Optimus let me off with a warning. I was feeling a bit good about myself so I approached Arcee and invited that ass back to Autobot city. Lets just say I had her yelping like a dog stuck under a parked tire!
have an xlnt weekencD!!!!!!!!!! yehhhhhhh friday arvo!