So here's what I want to know -- how to keep work, the job -- however you pay the bills, unless you happen to be smart and/or lucky enough to do what you love and get paid for it -- how do you keep all that shit from taking up too much? I fucking dream about work, about the actual physical action of it and...
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Work takes everything I've got most of the time. Luckily, my work is something that I would seriously die if I didn't do it, so it's kinda my play, too. But it takes everything, man, and then some!

Yes, men make me laugh and laugh. People do in general, but men are different about it. It's a positive thing. I love people. And sometimes men are monkeys, you know? hehehe

I'll be on the road touring with my show on my birthday this year. Not next year, man. It's been years since my birthday was sacred, and next year's gonna be different. I'm gonna have a birthday party with a cake and candles and a little white party dress just like when I was 5. I'll have a pinata and play pin the tail on the donkey. Or maybe I'll make sexy versions of children's party games. That sounds like fun!

What are you gonna be getting up to?
thanks for the suggestion, i'm dowloading some flaming lips as we speak. and yes, those are my photos. i was in zambia for a month this summer.

work... sucks. no matter what the work, unless it's something that allows you multiple nap and alcohol breaks.
hey. so I'm home early for me (5:15 p.m.) -- work a late-shift usually, and then drink afterward, so i'm never home until 2 a.m. or later. training for two weeks on a new work thing and it's days. not sure what to do in the evening. what do people who work 9-5 do? I think I prefer the nightwalker gig, to be honest. sleep...
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Don't get me wrong. Compliments and flirting and even ogling on the street go over quite well with me. It's all part of the fun, right? It's just rude comments that rub me the wrong way.

A hallmark card on crack?!? haha! It's really all about the listening and hugs, the being there, much more than what you say.
You know, I have no idea how hard it is... I just know that I'm not a member yet. wink Maybe it really is that hard.
hey. lovely saturday, really must get outside and enjoy it somehow, though don't know how. trips always seem to involve consumerism -- always have to be going someplace, and creating errands -- must buy that, really need that -- ends up trumping blind wandering.
Last night needed a night in, so pizza, movie rental, some scotch. Ended up getting Behind the Green Door. It must...
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Hey. just joined, because I'm living in TO now and in a squaresville job, and meeting people is the equivalent of soliciting live organ donations on street corners. say hi.
Hi and welcome aboard.