hey. what are you doing here? how did you find this little corner.
So I'm recovering from a weekend of American overdosing. Stayed in upstate New York at some rich guy's mansion -- friend of a friend's uncle, and I got invited for the weekend. I'm still trying to digest it all. These super-rich folks seemed miserable if you poked around a bit. I asked a few straight questions, no icing, and the responses were anything but heartfelt. They seemed bored, they drank a lot, but not for any reason, just like it was habit, which it probably was, and there was not one thing original in anything they read, said, or did. I'd go nuts. They were on autopilot, because the course offered a lot of cash and comfort and security and a house on a lake and golf and more security. Money fucks you up, but the view is nice.
So I'm recovering from a weekend of American overdosing. Stayed in upstate New York at some rich guy's mansion -- friend of a friend's uncle, and I got invited for the weekend. I'm still trying to digest it all. These super-rich folks seemed miserable if you poked around a bit. I asked a few straight questions, no icing, and the responses were anything but heartfelt. They seemed bored, they drank a lot, but not for any reason, just like it was habit, which it probably was, and there was not one thing original in anything they read, said, or did. I'd go nuts. They were on autopilot, because the course offered a lot of cash and comfort and security and a house on a lake and golf and more security. Money fucks you up, but the view is nice.
it's one of my favourite magazines. it can have a pretentious tone to it at times but i still like it a lot.
i will probably take part in the showing. well. ah. maybe. i would have to prepare new work. there's nothing i have at the moment that i would want to display. ack. i don't know. i am very very very critical of myself so all my works seem so mediocre or elementary.
so you write? what genre?