Me and some friends have decided to go ghost hunting tonight at an abandoned prison. Rumor has it that one of the ghosts there likes dimes and the other one likes the color red, so our bait will be supplied with a red shirt and roll of dimes. We, on the other hand, will be armed with flashlights and liquid courage (probably these Four Lokos that I keep hearing about). I'll update everyone on how it goes, and if I don't, it probably means I went out Paranormal Activity 2 style.
But for now, a nap to prepare for tonight, wish me luck!
UPDATE: Tonight was full of fail...everybody decided to dip out and it turns out Four Lokos have been banned from the US already. Better stock up on them while you still can, people. They're collectors items now! So, instead I did work-related stuff that I had been procrastinating on for two months. I'm so disappointed in myself

The roll of dimes could also come in handy for the living.
That was an awesome house too. It was huge and had several acres of woods behind it. They got a deal on it after the suicide I think.