wow, i haven'tbeen back here for a while. today's a good day to start though -- in preparation for the part-tay tonight at the pussycat lounge, i got a cute little pixie haircut and a leopard-print tank top. miao!! miao!!

see y'alltonight,ihope...
I wanna go.....hey, what are you studying?
Happy birthday!!!
it's so hot out. pre-period fatigue and headache. i want to have somewhere to live in the fall, i want to have time to focus on school instead of working.
It's hot out? Is the loction: just wishful thinking? surreal

or are you just being factious?
How funny, you are totally Holly!

Yes, I felt exactly that way yesterday,....today too, but we must press on, no?
Take care.
just read a comic called v for vendetta. really cool creepy-near-future setting, neat looking although a little heavy-handed in the wwii holocaust parallels. i'm trying to introduce myself to the format and language and style of graphic novels because i have what i think is an amazing idea that could only be expressed in comic form. it's funny, i've never had that kind of motivation...
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my very favorite simpsons is on! the outsider art one! and i had a good meeting with one of my orals committee advisors this morning. i hope the loveliness continues...
Is that the one with Isabella Rossellini as the art dealer and Jasper Johns stealing light bulbs? It's hard for me to pick a favorite, but that one is probably right up there.
the whole moby story is at http://www.livejournal.com/users/temptyou

it's all silly and giddy and girly. beware smile

what is the craigslist?

breakfast at tiffany's is one of my favorites too..
torpor. waiting. too hot to think. there was a power outage in the city this weekend when i was supposed to see camper van beethoven, so instead of seeing them saturday night i saw them sunday afternoon. such a weird time for a show, and they ended up not playing my favorite song, but the venue makes sounds blend together in such a pure and...
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Hey!I'm one of your favorite sg girls=)Thats sweet..thank you tee heee
long time no post. meeting with some professors this week, should have the lists for my oral exams done pretty soon. hot summer blahs. miss chool, want apartment. incoherence. picture will be up soon, promise.
you're hitting 320 with no Home Runs? damn, do you steal a lot of bases?
went to the doctor today. man it's been a long time since i've had a pap smear, fun fun. i thought i'd feel funny getting one from a man, but he was just such a happy, egg-shaped, asexual little guy that it was not at all strange, even when he gave me shaving tips.

I left an embarrassingly long reponse to your post.

wow it's been a long time since i've written in here. not much has happened, aside from this ridiculous heat, getting back my final papers for the semester, and continuing the attempt to look for an apartment and a writerly job in the city. got an email from one of the people i sent samples to, which bodes well. for some reason, sleeping with the...
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no need, to choose...alternate them as your whims dicate. in other words, both!
well, i won on two races at the belmont stakes. this would be more exciting if the first race i won had not been one where a horse *died*. sad. and women actually do wear the big floppy straw hats and long dresses to the races, i was just joking in my last post. aside from that, not much going on. making up a press...
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just finished dracula. so amazing! i had completely forgotten how it ended, saw the movie but only remembered enough to picture tom waits as renfield. my poor boy is working late and not yet home, even though we have to get up early for the races tomorrow. i wish i had a going-to-the-races dress like my namesake-as-eliza-doolitlle. i also wish i'd win big playing the...
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Hey - hitting you off of the baseball thread, but just have to say that I have never read Dracula, but have always wanted to.

Sadly enough, I think I actually own it somewhere.

Too many books ... too little time.
it's been raining a lot yesterday and today. last night was better -- lightning where the clouds light up and lots of thunder. today was more drippy. i'm going to the belmont stakes on saturday: anybody have any tips on horses? still trying to figure out dracula and how it fits into the literary scheme of things. i keep getting distracted by all of the...
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Do you ever find, as an English grad student, that trying to unearth the symbolism in books ever sort of sucks out their soul? Or do you think it just deepens your appreciation of them?
well, there are some things i've written papers on thaat i don't care if i *never* read again. but mostly i think thinking about books deepens your relationship to them. and i work more on historical stuff, so it's not just "what does it mean?", more like "what did it mean then?"
hey there--wondering how my extroversion will interact with my fear of boring people? oh well, pressing on...i'm reading dracula, and it's really good, creepy and visually neat and full of amazing details, like dracula climbing down his castle wall like spiderman (or wait, the other way around). it's an epistolary novel, meaning it's all journal entries and letters and newspaper articles put together to make...
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