alright new post here oh well nothing much new slimming down still havent locked down the design for my phoenix right arm yet nor the ice dragon left arm but hey it will come in time. bear hugs too all
still looking for tatoo ideas but working and trying to slim down lol too diet and lose inches or work it off and gain muscle wieght lol hugs too all have a great day or night
any ideas of adult pheonix would help designing or getting visuals for a tattoo i am planning and i have it in my head how it goes just need to find some how too show others thanks all are welcome hugs
going crazy beating spider solitaire so many times i am bored lol going through clothes and laughing. i was that size when i was younger lol. hugs too all
well its the weekend finally . with all this heat i wish i was back in the mountains and my bog comp should be up tomorrow teched out and ready too tear the world wide interent gaming apart. hugs too all.
well its the holiday and every one almost knows where they are going but me and they tell me at the last minute. oh ok nope wanted to stay home alone whiel all the family goes here and there thanks . good news is not everyone left for the holidays hugs too all you know who you all are
ready for another work week and i think i heard someone say to update so here it is. same old work same old days but only one person keeping me going and that person knows it. its getting hot here and i dont like it lol wheres my darkness and cold
work is making me sick but on the other hand i am happy through it cause i know there is someone waiting for me when i drag myself into the house lol hugs to all