Who would of thought being the only single guy in a block full of student nurses would be so much fun.
Well it's been the best couple of weeks I've had in a long time anyway, long may it continue. That's as long as I don't do myself too much damage, I had to have a day off the beer on monday.
Birmingham seems ok though, not that I've seen much. The guys I share a flat with don't seem appreciate alcoholism as much and as I don't know anyone else in Birmingham yet, I've spent most of my time with the nurses across the hall, who can be suprisingly entertaining.
I'm hoping to get out this weekend to recce some watering holes where good music can be enjoyed in the company of some interesting people. Any hints, tips or recommendations would be appreciated. I've heard about the academy but I'm looking for something a bit more personal, I was told Scruffy Murphys was ok for local bands?
The best thing is about this place so far is that I have a free broadband connection, the worst thing is that one of the lads got his car nicked within the first week of getting here, so I'm a little concerned as I've only just got my full no claims bonus and I can't afford to lose it. I asked for an insurance quote from someone the other week and was told that they wouldn't insure me on my car until I was 27.
Before I go, I'd like to recomend the new album by The Unseen. It totally fuckin' rock's!
Oh, and I'd just like to mention that I've noticed an increase in the amount of really cute girls from the UK on this site, maybe some of you can vouch for me in SGUK. They don't seem to want to let me in, I must of upset the wrong person or something.

Well it's been the best couple of weeks I've had in a long time anyway, long may it continue. That's as long as I don't do myself too much damage, I had to have a day off the beer on monday.

Birmingham seems ok though, not that I've seen much. The guys I share a flat with don't seem appreciate alcoholism as much and as I don't know anyone else in Birmingham yet, I've spent most of my time with the nurses across the hall, who can be suprisingly entertaining.
I'm hoping to get out this weekend to recce some watering holes where good music can be enjoyed in the company of some interesting people. Any hints, tips or recommendations would be appreciated. I've heard about the academy but I'm looking for something a bit more personal, I was told Scruffy Murphys was ok for local bands?
The best thing is about this place so far is that I have a free broadband connection, the worst thing is that one of the lads got his car nicked within the first week of getting here, so I'm a little concerned as I've only just got my full no claims bonus and I can't afford to lose it. I asked for an insurance quote from someone the other week and was told that they wouldn't insure me on my car until I was 27.

Before I go, I'd like to recomend the new album by The Unseen. It totally fuckin' rock's!

Nah, I made the outfit for someone else as I need $ for my holiday, I kinda want to keep it for myself tho, mite make another one if I can be arsed. Imagine wearing it day to day round the supermarket, that'd be funny!