Hiii there! This is my first time doing blog homework, it seems really fun and interesting so I'm looking forward to doing this everytime theres a new topic for homework!
So heres a few facts I find very interesting and some a little funny/silly!
Nintendo trademarked the phrase “It’s on like Donkey Kong” in 2010.
- A single strand of Spaghetti is called a “Spaghetto”.
- German Chocolate Cake is named after an American baker by the name of Samuel German, and has no affiliation with the country of Germany.
- There is not a single letter Q in any names of the 50 states; capitals and cities yes, but never the state itself.
- Some cats are actually allergic to humans
- High heels were originally worn by men, they wore them to make it easier to ride their horses. Eventually they became an "upper class" item.
- All the water we drink is about a million years old because the cycle of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation is closed, so the same water that existed on the earth millions of years ago is still on Earth today. It just keeps recycling itself over and over.
- @missy
- @rambo

Never thought about it but the water item makes me appreciate our amazing earth and it's wonderful design plus the fact that I'm using water that the dinosaurs drank LOL

@whiteflyermike I completely agree 😊 !