So my good friend Neil is always hanging out with this girl Callie that I've been having a hard time relating to for the year I've known her. She's like 22, maybe 23 and works at SD's most prominent indie record shop and likes to spit on music that she thinks isn't up to snuff. i.e. a lot of the emo - pop - electroclash crap I like. But on the flip side, she gets hip to a lot of really cool bands before anyone else does, so I still idolize her even though she's like 5 years younger than me. Well, we all met up at The Whistle Stop last night and I actually dropped a band name that she didn't immediately dismiss. I forgot which one. I then later made her laugh with all the light bulb jokes I read somewhere on this site. She didn't like the one about the ska kids (1 to drop it and 3 to pickitup pickitup pickitup). For the longest time it bothered me that Callie obviously didn't think much of me after we went out a few times when we first met and I kept asking myself, "Why do you care that this music elitist snob doesn't like you?" I mean, I was searching for approval from this younger girl who I thought was just so cool. Once I realized it didn't matter I stopped "trying" and just let it be. I think it was a couple weeks ago when I gave her the finger and said, "Fuck you! I like Death Cab, Sunny Day, Tori Amos, and whatever other bands I mentioned". That's when things started to get cool between us. Now we can just hang and be cool with each other. Go Figure.