killing time here at the old slow computer. i of course worked like 10 hours today and hated it . well i love the money and all. blah blah....anyways thats it . went to a lame ass art show last night and was bored to death and yeah. i hate the art here . being by the ocean everyone does these lame like light houses...
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At least you still do something you love smile

There's nothing wrong with being a late bloomer wink
work is taking over my life. i haven t had a day off in like 2 weeks . well thats a lie i have today off but i worked like 54 hours this week. well at least i get a good pay check right . i have no time for anythig that i want to do anymore. i have no time for skateing as much...
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I left work to go have lunch and a couple of beers with my boss a few times. wink
i spent the day like a yuppy. went out on a expensive boat ,then went to resturant on the water and i went to a cokout that was kinda boring......life is good sometimes.
so hto today. went skateing so early this morning to avoid the heat.damn everthig was wet from condinsation.