going to see the incrediables tonight.man i was so bummed today after work.i went to the skate park whereme and my cronies hang out and it was closed today due to the pansy ass park attendent being sick so i didn t skate today. i hope that the city gets a concrete park here. they are spose to bebuilding one in like the next year or so.fucking local goverment sucks when it comes to that shit. they sdon t listen to the skaters and put up some wack ass park and everyone hates it .VB just put a parkup a few years ago and it sucks. all the little shit heads hang there and plastic parks are just wack.concrete is where its at.oh man a nice pool with good tranny and good coping
.man i would do anything to build one here in the back yard.one to my liking would be the best.i really don t skate that much street any more dure to my ageing problem . last time i went skateing in the street i got a ticket.pretty petty of the cops.24 hours of communiy service later and still not reformed.i was going to go to the 88 shoes video premer but i want to go kill time with my boy and see that movie and kill some beer.man i love paul.good guy for real witha heart of gold.even though he use to be in a still born hard core band he is still cool. no jaded at all. i miss alot of my friends that i use to hang out with. the one that i miss the most is jason. he lives in pa and stillskates all the time .i grew up with that guy in the punk hc scene here in va. now he turnrd into a minister but i still love him all the same. i haven t had any friends die or any thing like that thank god.but i did lose my one of the most important people in my life and that was a real kick to the face. i miss my dad so much all the time. i wish that i could have been tighter with him tatn i was.some times things like that bring me back to reality and make me realize that you realy do have only one life to live and take advantage of it and do the things that you want to before you are dead and gone form this earth.for real.damn got all deep again.broke down and got emo. well later and be good.

yea i know what you mean about local government when it comes to crete parks. I work at a city park made of crete and we have been waiting for 2 years for it to get a bowl and a snake run added on.
Today was my first day at work...it was ok. But the best job ever... I can be myself. Just wish they gave me more hours.