man i hope that it dosen t rain when i get off work.i want to skate after work s starting to get cold
. im not a big fan of cold weather.that means full on weather gear and short days.i hate the short days.i like the fall weather. but it makes me have a feeling of you know the end of the warm days are over. i try to remeber when the last warm day happens . like the last time i wear a short sleeve shirt or shorts for the season. but with every season comes a change. you get older and lose a little more of your youth. i still feel young at 27 i guess. i would like to stay young forever but ageing is inevidable. damn thats to deep for mr i just want to skate is all that i want to keep doing.i notice things as i get older too. like i use to skate street all the time but all i find myself doing is ramp now.well later!

its starting to get cold and rainy finally
my work is like 2 blocks from where i live.. which is bad ass.. if im ever late i feel like a retard