I had THE BEST mofo weekend, from Friday till Monday it was picture perfect...
We decided to move the Isla Morada trip from early Sat to late Sat & Sun, so Friday I took my friends invitation and headed to Opium Garden. This place is really nice, I recomend anyone coming to MIA to chill there at least one night. Anyhow, when we got there it was mayhem, no one without a reservation was getting in, turns out that Juanes was having a party after his concert there. But little did I know that Nico was spining so it was a breaze getting past the door man. The crowd that night was my type of crowd, the ratio of girls to guys was at least 5 to 1, no sausgae fest! FINALLY
Sometime throughout the night (I can't really remember, I was kinda lit) some woman asked me for a smoke, so I asked for her name. One thing led to another and I was invited to hang out with her and her friends, by now I had lost my friends so I said fuck it, I'll find the boys later. So after the 4th bottle of Don P, I ask one of them what the fuck did they do for a living, cause the champagne was flowing like water, they responded in unison "Walstreet investment bankers"
Sweet, keep the Don P coming
That night was fun to say the least...
I made my way to the keys on Sat a little hungover but feeling great, the weather was perfect and a hot tub was waiting for me...
Sat moring woke up and loaded up the boat, we were on the water as the sun was coming up. We have THE BEST sunrises
So we run out to the Gulf Stream and after an hour or so of looking around for some fish we come across a half deflated rubber raft, with all kinds of rigging and shit hanging below it. We looked around for any bodies but none were found, we knew this had to be a cuban or Haitian raft, it was very crudely made... It was however FULL of fish, we got a bunch of dolphin and amber jacks and headed back in.
On the way in we stop in shallow water to see if we could get a shark or something to byte, not expecting much I set up my rod and send a bait to the bottom. As I was setting up another rod, I turn around to see the first one doubled over about to break in halfr, something big was on it. I grab it out of the rod holder and set the hook but the mother fuking line breaks!
I was pissed! Quickly I set up again and send another bait down, 10 minutes later I get another big fish on, this time this bitch is MINE
20 minutes later I get this bad boy up, and that my friends is the end of my fishing day
50 lb black grouper, I'll be eating fish for a while
more pics to come...
Weekend adventures part 2:
Sunday night as I'm unpacking shit back at my house I get a call from the girls I met on Friday, asking me to join them for dinner at the Delano (swank hotel). When I get there it was business as ussual with these people, cabana next to the pool, huge boat with all kinds of sushi and offcourse the ever present bottle of Don P. Dinner was good and the company was great. After a while we head over to Pearl, another swank ass spot, to chill for a bit...
It was hard going to work Monday morning
Going back to the keys this weekend. I love living in S FL, I have no clue how someone would ever want to leave this place...
We decided to move the Isla Morada trip from early Sat to late Sat & Sun, so Friday I took my friends invitation and headed to Opium Garden. This place is really nice, I recomend anyone coming to MIA to chill there at least one night. Anyhow, when we got there it was mayhem, no one without a reservation was getting in, turns out that Juanes was having a party after his concert there. But little did I know that Nico was spining so it was a breaze getting past the door man. The crowd that night was my type of crowd, the ratio of girls to guys was at least 5 to 1, no sausgae fest! FINALLY

Sometime throughout the night (I can't really remember, I was kinda lit) some woman asked me for a smoke, so I asked for her name. One thing led to another and I was invited to hang out with her and her friends, by now I had lost my friends so I said fuck it, I'll find the boys later. So after the 4th bottle of Don P, I ask one of them what the fuck did they do for a living, cause the champagne was flowing like water, they responded in unison "Walstreet investment bankers"

That night was fun to say the least...
I made my way to the keys on Sat a little hungover but feeling great, the weather was perfect and a hot tub was waiting for me...
Sat moring woke up and loaded up the boat, we were on the water as the sun was coming up. We have THE BEST sunrises

So we run out to the Gulf Stream and after an hour or so of looking around for some fish we come across a half deflated rubber raft, with all kinds of rigging and shit hanging below it. We looked around for any bodies but none were found, we knew this had to be a cuban or Haitian raft, it was very crudely made... It was however FULL of fish, we got a bunch of dolphin and amber jacks and headed back in.
On the way in we stop in shallow water to see if we could get a shark or something to byte, not expecting much I set up my rod and send a bait to the bottom. As I was setting up another rod, I turn around to see the first one doubled over about to break in halfr, something big was on it. I grab it out of the rod holder and set the hook but the mother fuking line breaks!

20 minutes later I get this bad boy up, and that my friends is the end of my fishing day

50 lb black grouper, I'll be eating fish for a while

more pics to come...
Weekend adventures part 2:
Sunday night as I'm unpacking shit back at my house I get a call from the girls I met on Friday, asking me to join them for dinner at the Delano (swank hotel). When I get there it was business as ussual with these people, cabana next to the pool, huge boat with all kinds of sushi and offcourse the ever present bottle of Don P. Dinner was good and the company was great. After a while we head over to Pearl, another swank ass spot, to chill for a bit...
It was hard going to work Monday morning

Going back to the keys this weekend. I love living in S FL, I have no clue how someone would ever want to leave this place...
i really didn't mean for that laptop pic to be posted right there...BAM! in my journal...but I guess anyone who wanted to could go in my pics and look for it.