Meet my babies
sorry for the blurry pics, its hard to get them to pose for a set
, So far I have:
2 clowns
3 blue/green chromis
flame angel
hyppo tang
yellow tang
psychodelic mandarin goby
green clown goby
Along with the fishies there are about 60 different colonies of live corals )theres no dead stuff in the tank) which 90% are all aquacultured. Also there are tons of snails, stars and little critters.
and here is there home in my home, 90 gallons.
Todays Fortune Cookie:
"You will be of good comfort"
Lucky #s: 12,73,90,72,56,1
sorry for the blurry pics, its hard to get them to pose for a set
2 clowns
3 blue/green chromis
flame angel
hyppo tang
yellow tang
psychodelic mandarin goby
green clown goby
Along with the fishies there are about 60 different colonies of live corals )theres no dead stuff in the tank) which 90% are all aquacultured. Also there are tons of snails, stars and little critters.
and here is there home in my home, 90 gallons.
Todays Fortune Cookie:
"You will be of good comfort"
Lucky #s: 12,73,90,72,56,1
Very nice, i love the colors.