I find myself thoughtful on this most commercialized of days. As I become more and more active on this site, I find myself wondering what I'm looking for. I feel like I thought that here I would find great insights and revolutionizing ideas. Instead I found more people just as frustrated and lost as I myself am. I found more internet anonymity, I found a counter-culture almost hiding in the blanket of websites and ideas. I found people like me. But maybe that's enough. It is only a website and these are only people and there isn't, ever, an easy way to change. If it's possible at all. I read this psychological study once that said that even with 100% motivation, the most a person could change themselves, not their job, or school, ot interest, but really THEM, was 5%. That is ourswing room, 5% of ourselves. Is that really enough? I guwss it'll have to be. We all just want answers, we want people to love, we want people to love us, we are all the same, our failures are what makes us perfect.
Here, Here!!