Hello all, sorry I've been gone for so long and have neglected updating and commenting. I'm usually more diligent, but life has been distracting me lately.
I just got back from vacation, with my buddy Sal, in New Hamphsire last week, and I've gone snowboarding at least four times since my last real update(Cannon, Loon, Jack Frost, Big Boulder, and Blue Mountain). Great stuff, and there's pics below in case you were interested.
I visited Boston during my time off. Great city! Had a good time drinking and watching football at Four's, across the street from the Fleet. Heh. We also ate at The Upper Crust, good pizza BTW. Got a ticket, as well, for parking where I shouldn't have... oh well. On the way back, we passed by a rest area on I-93 that had a goddamn liquor store on the premises!
What more can you ask for? A place to buy liquor and sleep! What a novel idea! Not that we stopped there or anything, but we had some drinks earlier and had brought a case of Yeungling from Delaware with us (picture below for those in Boston who have never heard of such a brew, but Sam Adams is good too).
Luckily, I wasn't really in a drinking mood, because we got pulled over by a NH cop on the way back to Sal's friends' house. Dude, I don't know if I feel comfortable saying this, but that was the coolest fucking cop ever!
He asked me the normal license, registration, know how fast you were going... yadda yadda, and insurance.... no wait! "You don't need my proof of insurance!?" I exclaimed. Apparently, New Hampshire law does not require that you have insurance on your vehicle.
Also, there were lots of empty beercans and bottles from Sal and Mike (and myself too, but I mostly drank on the common..heh heh) in the floor of my car, AND my bowl was in it's case on the floor as well. This wasn't looking good. Luckily, the cop came back and appreciated my honesty and told me I didn't seem drunk and to slow it down. What?! No ticket!? Word!!! I was going almost 90mph in a 65!!! Hey, I'm not complaining!! Now I'm totally diggin' this state! Cool people (and cops
at least one, anyway), lots of ski areas, and no sales tax!! I thought Delaware and one other state (Oregon, I think) only had that. Live free or die..... what a great motto for a state... and it shows!
I also have been busy with this girl I've met at work, but she works in an office in freakin' Denver! I always talk to that office as part of my job each day, and we kinda hit it off on more than a professional level. Yeah, I guess I'm bad.
As long as we don't advertise the fact, we'll be ok... I'm so glad to not have tried to continue a "doomed" realtionship with someone I wasn't compatible with, or else I wouldn't have this opportunity! Anyway, enough of that mushy crap!
I'll be going to Denver Feb. 18th-23rd. I'm probably gonna do Breckinridge and Vail.... oh yeah baby! Plus, visit the girl and have some fun.
Alas, I leave with pictures! Have fun, and I hope life has been as good to you as it has been me lately!

Sal (top) and Bobby (bottom) on our way to Jack Frost for WMMR day 1/7/05.
I love this shit!! Me in the van, en route to Jack Frost.
My parking ticket, courtesy of Boston traffic cops... 1/15/05

Back (top) and front (bottom) sides of Cannon. This mountain kicked my ass.... steep and icy patches

I made it off the mountain with minimal damage. I had lost an edge on a patch of ice and smacked my lower back and back of my head on the ground. I also smacked my forearm pretty good, as the fall was described to me as "an explosion of powder". Took me a few minutes to recover and gather my headgear, but after the stars went away... I was ok. The bottom pic is of me pointing to where the Old Man monument used to be. It fell off like 2 years ago. 1/16/05
Yeah, I'm done for the day.... 1/16/05
Hit this place the next day. This mountain is really cool and well kept. I wanna go back! 1/17/05

This is the view of one of the lodges from the lift. Nice huh? The next is Mike and Sal and then myself goofing off on the lift. 1/17/05

Sal and Mike in front of the trail map at the top of the gondola lift, and the view from there of the top of a black diamond trail. Ooooooh.
Then that's me at the bottom getting ready for the marathon circuit.... a long ass combo of trails and lifts that we devised and rode almost all day! 1/17/05

Here we are at the end of the day. It was a great day and I would love to go again! Loon, NH is quite a nice place. I told you I loved that SoBe shit! 1/17/05
I also went snowboarding at Blue Mountain on Saturday (1/22) during the big-ass blizzard that hit the northeast, but I didn't get any pics that day. Goddamn that was fun!
So much powder and it just kept coming down! I'd love to do that again, but hopefully I can get more people to go this time. It was only myself and one of my co-workers (his name's Dan too). Everybody else pussied-out because they were afraid of a little blizzard....BAH! I got a 4WD and I was cruising at a steady pace, passing all those other motherfuckin' non-driving bastards, on the turnpike. But, I digress.... maybe I'm being a little too pompous toward people with no 4-wheel action who had to be on the road during the snowstorm...
I'll let everyone know once I figure out a date that I'd like to go with all the SG people I can muster. Until then, comment to me if you're interested in going. I'm always down for hitting the slopes! Take care kids!

I just got back from vacation, with my buddy Sal, in New Hamphsire last week, and I've gone snowboarding at least four times since my last real update(Cannon, Loon, Jack Frost, Big Boulder, and Blue Mountain). Great stuff, and there's pics below in case you were interested.

I visited Boston during my time off. Great city! Had a good time drinking and watching football at Four's, across the street from the Fleet. Heh. We also ate at The Upper Crust, good pizza BTW. Got a ticket, as well, for parking where I shouldn't have... oh well. On the way back, we passed by a rest area on I-93 that had a goddamn liquor store on the premises!

Luckily, I wasn't really in a drinking mood, because we got pulled over by a NH cop on the way back to Sal's friends' house. Dude, I don't know if I feel comfortable saying this, but that was the coolest fucking cop ever!
He asked me the normal license, registration, know how fast you were going... yadda yadda, and insurance.... no wait! "You don't need my proof of insurance!?" I exclaimed. Apparently, New Hampshire law does not require that you have insurance on your vehicle.

I also have been busy with this girl I've met at work, but she works in an office in freakin' Denver! I always talk to that office as part of my job each day, and we kinda hit it off on more than a professional level. Yeah, I guess I'm bad.

I'll be going to Denver Feb. 18th-23rd. I'm probably gonna do Breckinridge and Vail.... oh yeah baby! Plus, visit the girl and have some fun.

Alas, I leave with pictures! Have fun, and I hope life has been as good to you as it has been me lately!

Sal (top) and Bobby (bottom) on our way to Jack Frost for WMMR day 1/7/05.

I love this shit!! Me in the van, en route to Jack Frost.

My parking ticket, courtesy of Boston traffic cops... 1/15/05

Back (top) and front (bottom) sides of Cannon. This mountain kicked my ass.... steep and icy patches

I made it off the mountain with minimal damage. I had lost an edge on a patch of ice and smacked my lower back and back of my head on the ground. I also smacked my forearm pretty good, as the fall was described to me as "an explosion of powder". Took me a few minutes to recover and gather my headgear, but after the stars went away... I was ok. The bottom pic is of me pointing to where the Old Man monument used to be. It fell off like 2 years ago. 1/16/05

Yeah, I'm done for the day.... 1/16/05

Hit this place the next day. This mountain is really cool and well kept. I wanna go back! 1/17/05

This is the view of one of the lodges from the lift. Nice huh? The next is Mike and Sal and then myself goofing off on the lift. 1/17/05

Sal and Mike in front of the trail map at the top of the gondola lift, and the view from there of the top of a black diamond trail. Ooooooh.

Here we are at the end of the day. It was a great day and I would love to go again! Loon, NH is quite a nice place. I told you I loved that SoBe shit! 1/17/05
I also went snowboarding at Blue Mountain on Saturday (1/22) during the big-ass blizzard that hit the northeast, but I didn't get any pics that day. Goddamn that was fun!

I'll let everyone know once I figure out a date that I'd like to go with all the SG people I can muster. Until then, comment to me if you're interested in going. I'm always down for hitting the slopes! Take care kids!

Those are my weekend plans, what are yours?