Maybe it's time to update.....
I'll be going snowboarding for the first time this season tomorrow! Finally, but the mountain closes early on Christmas eve.....blah.
I'm on a misson to find some 'green' at the moment, but it looks to be turning into "Mission: Impossible". If only Santa were real..... but I'm not too sure if I've been good this year. Either that, or that fat pipe-smoking motherfucker is bogarting all of it for himself!
Christmas is going to suck this year..... again. I get to be with my family, which is good. However, my family isn't that close and it's never anything to celebrate about when we get together. No gifts will be exchanged this year, except for maybe my neice will get lots of stuff. I wanted to take my family out to dinner, but my mother said not to because bills will prvent them from buying any gifts for me or my brother. Oh well, so I spent that money on buying some gear for my brother, because I don't want to go to the mountain by myself. Maybe after I show him what's up he'll get hooked and want to go more often. Maybe he won't.
I always try to look at "the bright side" of things, but there's always that dim side just hanging around and it's hard not to pay attention to. I guess that seems to be the whole theme to this entry, but that's life. To quote myself: "It's whatever."
I guess it's nice to know that luck still smiles upon me. While typing this entry, the "weed man" called and told me to meet him at the bar in like 30 minutes. Looks like I get to have a little Christmas tree this year after all....
Happy Christmahannakwanzaka! ....or something like that.
Q: What if Santa were a pediophile?

I'll be going snowboarding for the first time this season tomorrow! Finally, but the mountain closes early on Christmas eve.....blah.

I'm on a misson to find some 'green' at the moment, but it looks to be turning into "Mission: Impossible". If only Santa were real..... but I'm not too sure if I've been good this year. Either that, or that fat pipe-smoking motherfucker is bogarting all of it for himself!

Christmas is going to suck this year..... again. I get to be with my family, which is good. However, my family isn't that close and it's never anything to celebrate about when we get together. No gifts will be exchanged this year, except for maybe my neice will get lots of stuff. I wanted to take my family out to dinner, but my mother said not to because bills will prvent them from buying any gifts for me or my brother. Oh well, so I spent that money on buying some gear for my brother, because I don't want to go to the mountain by myself. Maybe after I show him what's up he'll get hooked and want to go more often. Maybe he won't.

I always try to look at "the bright side" of things, but there's always that dim side just hanging around and it's hard not to pay attention to. I guess that seems to be the whole theme to this entry, but that's life. To quote myself: "It's whatever."

I guess it's nice to know that luck still smiles upon me. While typing this entry, the "weed man" called and told me to meet him at the bar in like 30 minutes. Looks like I get to have a little Christmas tree this year after all....

Happy Christmahannakwanzaka! ....or something like that.
Q: What if Santa were a pediophile?

as far as green goes, I am plum out...but alas, I think I may ger lucky on New Years...