Whew, looks like I'll be keeping my job afterall! No diciplinary action for me for getting my workstation infected.
On the shitty side of things, I have a kidney stone and am trying like hell to pass it! I will be ok though, because the doctor was nice and gave me Percocets! I love those! It shouldn't hurt so much trying to pass something 2mm in diameter through your system! I thought the metal Q-tip and cathereter was bad, but this is definitely worse!
So, who's hungry?
Mayo or Miracle Whip?
On the shitty side of things, I have a kidney stone and am trying like hell to pass it! I will be ok though, because the doctor was nice and gave me Percocets! I love those! It shouldn't hurt so much trying to pass something 2mm in diameter through your system! I thought the metal Q-tip and cathereter was bad, but this is definitely worse!
So, who's hungry?
Mayo or Miracle Whip?
He is so cute..... hes amazing. I love him soooo much.
Hows life?
unemployed+having no smoke=terrible
unemployed+having smoke=self-created anxiety
it is a gentle balance to maintain.