Well, the proverbial "shit" hit the "fan" yesterday.....
I'm currently on indefinite paid vacation from work. So is my ex and her director...lol.
I sent an email to our "mutual freinds" at work to basically tell them why I broke up with her, and in case she tried to make me look like the asshole. All I did was divulge the truth with factual evidence in the form of some "saucy" emails that were passed between them. But I BCC'd all four people so that no one would know who it was sent to. I was trying to be somewhat discreet, the same way I ended it with her.
I hate drama, but I guess it's eventually going to follow in a bad break-up such as this. I did not intend for this to reach HR, but it did. The only scenario that I can deduce is that her one freind that did not really want to get in the middle had forwarded her the email. She then saw that there were no recipients in the header (good ol' BCC) and freaked out because she was afraid of who would know. So she contacted Mr. Director and the email made it to HR. A guilty conscience and felling like an asshole because you got caught in a lie can make you crazy, I guess.
Anyway, I'm going to enjoy this little vacation, especially since I don't have to use any of my paid time off. Plus my manager, supervisor, and director will "go to bat" for me since I'm a good worker, or so they say anyway. Plus, there's lots of pretty and approchable girls out this way, so I think I'll be fine.
What's your story today?
I'm currently on indefinite paid vacation from work. So is my ex and her director...lol.

I sent an email to our "mutual freinds" at work to basically tell them why I broke up with her, and in case she tried to make me look like the asshole. All I did was divulge the truth with factual evidence in the form of some "saucy" emails that were passed between them. But I BCC'd all four people so that no one would know who it was sent to. I was trying to be somewhat discreet, the same way I ended it with her.
I hate drama, but I guess it's eventually going to follow in a bad break-up such as this. I did not intend for this to reach HR, but it did. The only scenario that I can deduce is that her one freind that did not really want to get in the middle had forwarded her the email. She then saw that there were no recipients in the header (good ol' BCC) and freaked out because she was afraid of who would know. So she contacted Mr. Director and the email made it to HR. A guilty conscience and felling like an asshole because you got caught in a lie can make you crazy, I guess.

Anyway, I'm going to enjoy this little vacation, especially since I don't have to use any of my paid time off. Plus my manager, supervisor, and director will "go to bat" for me since I'm a good worker, or so they say anyway. Plus, there's lots of pretty and approchable girls out this way, so I think I'll be fine.
What's your story today?
not sure if i'll have much time to update this weekend so if not, have a great one!
So are you still living with her, or what??
I hope things work out with the job.
I'd much rather have done something awesome like you did!!
We seriously need to hook up for a session. SOON.
Are you staying here even though you broke up?? I hope so!!! You know you love the MHC. You KNOW it.