I feel like sometimes the only time that is valuable enough for me to be alive for, is the time that i'm sleeping. I haven't done 1 thing at work for 4 days, which makes me want to kill myself. I wonder sometimes why I even get up in the morning... right now i'm basically working only so that I can pay debts and bills... that's no way to live... You should work so that you can go out and have fun living with your money, not be stuck paying everything you own to some bank.
Anyhow... how long do you think it takes pizza to go bad? cause I got this pizza on monday, and i just now ate the last peices... and i'm not feeling very good... so i figure the cheese has gone wrotten and i'm going to die or something.
Anyhow... how long do you think it takes pizza to go bad? cause I got this pizza on monday, and i just now ate the last peices... and i'm not feeling very good... so i figure the cheese has gone wrotten and i'm going to die or something.
how are you?