Even through adversity,
And Dis-tress,
we operate,
humming inwardly,
in no wa knowing,
or aware,
of our own automatism.

Surviving and thriving,
on some insinctual level,
renewing our essence
which is, in essence,
our splendid innocence.
In a horrible, horrible halloween madness cave....rocky (horror that is) is pushing me to the max. lots to do before the big halloween night. Send me an email. I'll reply with my number. You can call me, we'll have coffee, or beer, or something. Or, you can come to the big show! Thursday at 10 at the Rialto. Hope to meet you soon!

xxx Crystal

i drove down the road today
and the chewy dew collected
on my windshield as I
pumped the breaks, observing some runners
crossing my path

so I pulled up on the e-brake
cut the wheel hard to the left
and watched through the rear-view
as my car hewed down their ankles
and their fucking dog.

rampage 2

there they are, marching down the street ---> uniforms polished and pretty. crisp, clean, and precise. they started marching a few years ago and haven't stopped yet. unblinking eyes, but a shuffling march, one that cause them to bump into one another as they bob up and down past the vacant lots and the storefronts. the sedans and light trucks and rusting impalas...
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I too am usually right about everything, it is nice isn't it? now if only we could get other people to admit they are wrong...hmmm...
withering through the twisted and mutilated landscapes of steel and mesh and wire a dull thud whispers into his ear. a man, standing on the pier, the water lapping around the jutting poles issuing from the murky depths. all the resistors sell out. cold wind seeps in from the sea, pulps surround -- an olfactory pungent pith. with the pithiness of a grating auto-mechanic he's...
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if you are in raleigh, we should meet and hang out sometime. for the hell of it. well, that is, if we haven't already... wink
Devi1Gir1666 -- Would love to -- spend most of my weekends out in Chapel Hill these days. my email is godlessmess@hotmail.com

cynicism has a price and that price is soulessness. The cynicism, the biting critique, the insightful commentary all conjoins to deflect the joy, the beauty, and the passion from life, and from yourself. It is disgracing, a lowering of spiritual and emotional connectedness down to the base, the visceral, the primal. Better to transcend the animal, the hungry, feeding animal than to embrace it fully....
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and i would assert that having cynical tendencies often results in the residual feeling of soullessness only because it's often a self-validating substitue for a latent need for fullfullment that ones banal surroundings cannot provide.

so, one predisposed to cynicism would be empty even without the caustic wit distancing themselves from what they cannot in the first place connect with.

in a nutshell, i subscribe to the 'frustrated romantic' school of cynicism. there are many more varieties, i'm sure.
that's just my take.
Fall is here -- I can smell the crisp October air -- a great relief from the dog days of north carolina summers. Went out last night and got obliterated, then ran into a group of bootboys who were looking to get some retribution on fratboys... had a couple friends get stabbed a few weeks ago. Nasty bit of business.
hahaha, good thing I am not english. thanks for making me smile.