YAY! new pix cuz im dorky!
HEY EVERYONE~ plz dont forget to comment on my new set in member review MysteryDate

and i decided to share some of the pages!

this next page is a collage of the girls i got to meet at wizard world: see if you can guess all of them!

Story time: so the kitty i got my BF 2 yrs ago, he escaped bc his roomate is an a-hole and lets him outside all the time, (even though he has been told that churro was allowed outside) and got into a kitty fight, somehow he got scratched on his underside, well it morphed into an infection and it wasnt noticed until a lumpy tissue formed in that spot, i thought it was like a pulled muscle or something but im not a vet so i told my BF to make an appointment for the vet. the next day the vet told us he had a fever (this prob went on for a couple days POOR KITTY) so the news was that the infection needed to be cleaned out through surgery, ouch! 275$ later and an overnight stay and churro was on his way to feeling better, but they put a funnel around his neck so that he couldnt chew the stiches out. well he was really unhappy, we decided that he would stay at my apartment until he recovers. I have seriously been spoiling him, but we kno he feels better bc he started being a little dennis the menace again!

HEY EVERYONE~ plz dont forget to comment on my new set in member review MysteryDate

and i decided to share some of the pages!

this next page is a collage of the girls i got to meet at wizard world: see if you can guess all of them!

Story time: so the kitty i got my BF 2 yrs ago, he escaped bc his roomate is an a-hole and lets him outside all the time, (even though he has been told that churro was allowed outside) and got into a kitty fight, somehow he got scratched on his underside, well it morphed into an infection and it wasnt noticed until a lumpy tissue formed in that spot, i thought it was like a pulled muscle or something but im not a vet so i told my BF to make an appointment for the vet. the next day the vet told us he had a fever (this prob went on for a couple days POOR KITTY) so the news was that the infection needed to be cleaned out through surgery, ouch! 275$ later and an overnight stay and churro was on his way to feeling better, but they put a funnel around his neck so that he couldnt chew the stiches out. well he was really unhappy, we decided that he would stay at my apartment until he recovers. I have seriously been spoiling him, but we kno he feels better bc he started being a little dennis the menace again!

u are so cute!