FINALLY MY NEW SET WENT INTO MEMBER REVIEW; I LOVE IT SO MUCH! go check it out! (link at bottom of page!
Im quite excited bc well i shot my new friend amanda's set; and the pix turned out really nice! i am in the process of photoshopping it! she's super cute and so sweet so you will have to keep an eye out! hopefully she likes the end results! it was a lot of fun even if its just experience that im getting out of it!
Newest Self Portraint

Thanks to everyone who comment on my new set!

plz check it out, bc im super proud of it
also I have my etsy shop almost done setting up! click here to see:
Paso Fino Couture
these are a couple of items you will see....

im hoping to do more sets in the near future quite possibly one by the end of sept/ ot in the month of october
my obituary: Godiva, a 21 yr old college student passed away last night in her sleep, the cause of death was massive brain damage. The brain damage occcured as a result of too many hours on the internet and cellphone, and of too many diet sodas.
thanx everyone !!!! xoxo
more stuff 4 sale on etsy!

FINALLY MY NEW SET WENT INTO MEMBER REVIEW; I LOVE IT SO MUCH! go check it out! (link at bottom of page!
Im quite excited bc well i shot my new friend amanda's set; and the pix turned out really nice! i am in the process of photoshopping it! she's super cute and so sweet so you will have to keep an eye out! hopefully she likes the end results! it was a lot of fun even if its just experience that im getting out of it!
Newest Self Portraint

Thanks to everyone who comment on my new set!

plz check it out, bc im super proud of it
also I have my etsy shop almost done setting up! click here to see:
Paso Fino Couture
these are a couple of items you will see....

im hoping to do more sets in the near future quite possibly one by the end of sept/ ot in the month of october

my obituary: Godiva, a 21 yr old college student passed away last night in her sleep, the cause of death was massive brain damage. The brain damage occcured as a result of too many hours on the internet and cellphone, and of too many diet sodas.
thanx everyone !!!! xoxo
more stuff 4 sale on etsy!

haha in that case-

Now that I look at it, I can't stop laughing- I am so distracted from everything I am drawing stick figures in photoshop midnight....