how xciting is that? i hope you like it!
on another note my super duper photo shooter is a new daddy, got congratulate ROBBY and his beautifal wife on their new member to the fam!
I would also like this oppertunity to share some views i have on life:
1. "Everybody Love Everybody" -Will Farrell AKA Jackie Moon
2. PLEASE STOP RAPING MY HOME!; aka our planet known as earth, GLOBAL WARMING does exist among other things.... if ur interested in be a better organism on our lovely planet known as earth i highly reccomend you pick up "BBCs Planet Earth" dvd series not only does it leave you in awe at how magical nature really is but it include a special addition labeled as "THE FUTURE" it really touched me and motivated me to start making those subtle changed to help out our scaly, fuzzy or feathery neighbors!
3. number two extension: HOW TO BE MORE GREEN:
a. there are several fabric options other than the plastic bags that they offer at super markets, and they come in adorable varieties, try or maybe even make your own!
4. reuse reuse reuse: many many citizens waste paper products. it adds up. think of the schools (most of them even if they claim to recycle DONT) please if you print something, and the comp messes up use the other side. old papers? their is back sides, cardboard, paper, fiber and all be reused and made in to cute piece s of homemade paper! try it sometime they make great thank you cards!
5. even something as little as going to a local farmers market can support the idea of only eating what you need. many of our produce from commercial grocery stores is mass produced and pumped with hormones/pesticides. plus if you buy from local farmers you support a family and are eating fruits and veg. that are in season (when they taste the freshest and sweetest)
6. go to the county fair. it may sound corny but every creature there is happy to be alive and taken care of by a sweet 4H kid!
enough of my rant...
*my goal is 2 quit by the time im 23 yrs old; i think setting a goal 4 myself is best!*
check this out its amazing i give it five stars; maybe more!
SCOUT is finally out of his splint and ready 2 make an app. to get nuetered... he may not be thrilled but it must be done. not like he is ever let lose 2 go look for bitches but i fig. he can be a role model 4 others, u wouldnt believe the amount of free pitbull puppies that over populate the milwaukee area, it is quite sad. pitbulls have a bad rep which makes it hard for them to go out 2 loving homes many of these free pups are driven out somewhere to be left on the side of a road or in a ditch bc poor ppl cant afford to take care of a responsability of that nature if that doesnt happen they go to the humane society... and we all kno what happens there. if you would like to adopt a puppy or dog (many need to be rescued) and have the space plz consider a pitbull, or you can go to your local humane society and adopt a dog who has been living in a cage 4 quite sometime. you will save a life. ps i would do the same but i dont have the space for a large dog.
last but not least plz go check out the new set! it will be up soon, so i once it is up, i will leave a link but for now its a mystery (little foreshadowing there)...
how xciting is that? i hope you like it!
on another note my super duper photo shooter is a new daddy, got congratulate ROBBY and his beautifal wife on their new member to the fam!
I would also like this oppertunity to share some views i have on life:
1. "Everybody Love Everybody" -Will Farrell AKA Jackie Moon
2. PLEASE STOP RAPING MY HOME!; aka our planet known as earth, GLOBAL WARMING does exist among other things.... if ur interested in be a better organism on our lovely planet known as earth i highly reccomend you pick up "BBCs Planet Earth" dvd series not only does it leave you in awe at how magical nature really is but it include a special addition labeled as "THE FUTURE" it really touched me and motivated me to start making those subtle changed to help out our scaly, fuzzy or feathery neighbors!
3. number two extension: HOW TO BE MORE GREEN:
a. there are several fabric options other than the plastic bags that they offer at super markets, and they come in adorable varieties, try or maybe even make your own!
4. reuse reuse reuse: many many citizens waste paper products. it adds up. think of the schools (most of them even if they claim to recycle DONT) please if you print something, and the comp messes up use the other side. old papers? their is back sides, cardboard, paper, fiber and all be reused and made in to cute piece s of homemade paper! try it sometime they make great thank you cards!
5. even something as little as going to a local farmers market can support the idea of only eating what you need. many of our produce from commercial grocery stores is mass produced and pumped with hormones/pesticides. plus if you buy from local farmers you support a family and are eating fruits and veg. that are in season (when they taste the freshest and sweetest)
6. go to the county fair. it may sound corny but every creature there is happy to be alive and taken care of by a sweet 4H kid!
enough of my rant...

*my goal is 2 quit by the time im 23 yrs old; i think setting a goal 4 myself is best!*

check this out its amazing i give it five stars; maybe more!

SCOUT is finally out of his splint and ready 2 make an app. to get nuetered... he may not be thrilled but it must be done. not like he is ever let lose 2 go look for bitches but i fig. he can be a role model 4 others, u wouldnt believe the amount of free pitbull puppies that over populate the milwaukee area, it is quite sad. pitbulls have a bad rep which makes it hard for them to go out 2 loving homes many of these free pups are driven out somewhere to be left on the side of a road or in a ditch bc poor ppl cant afford to take care of a responsability of that nature if that doesnt happen they go to the humane society... and we all kno what happens there. if you would like to adopt a puppy or dog (many need to be rescued) and have the space plz consider a pitbull, or you can go to your local humane society and adopt a dog who has been living in a cage 4 quite sometime. you will save a life. ps i would do the same but i dont have the space for a large dog.

last but not least plz go check out the new set! it will be up soon, so i once it is up, i will leave a link but for now its a mystery (little foreshadowing there)...
cant wait for the new set, Im sure youre sexy as hell just like before!!
(not much been up with me, feeling very weird lately, other than that Im going to the gym, working alot, and trying to avoid boredom lol) sry I didnt get back to you earlier.
ps. saddest thing about Heath not being here is that he doesnt get to see everyone cheering for how amazing he was, the role wouldve given him the opp. to do any film he wanted. =/
but yes, he was "the joker" so awesome.