I so miss talking to all of you. seriously. SG community keeps me sane lol. everyone else in the world sux compared to us. Anyways shaine is awesome and her set is going up soon so u better tell her she looks ghetto fabulous or i will beat u you up. jk, maybe ill just sexually harass all of you until ur all kissing her gorgeous ass. and dont forget my awesome sweet fucking fab photographer, hairless terrier extordinaire and new daddy to be ROBBY, who is the best photo guru in milwaukee. im totally skipping classes today so i can go see my new apt. on the otherside of town; and continue my newest piece "the bionic woman". uhhhh mondays suck my tits im so fucking annoyed with alot of shit. for ex. buying a 30 $ pen for g.d fondations class thats fucked up.
lov u!
lov u!

Oh and i love your name. Go riding on any horses naked any time recently? or eaten any good expensive chocolate? lol