So we have a new studio director at work. He kind of a head of heads that sits between the CEO and the producers. Super good guy, and he has a mind for games. For the longest time we had a director that really wasnt interested in games, but more the tech thats used to make them. And as a result we did a lot of experimental stuff that was doomed to failure, but we did it to learn and build tools. And there is value in that, dont get me wrong. But we are a game studio. Everyone who works here wants to make games. Experiment, sure, its part of the process. But have a focus on making fun, not fancy tech.
The teams are being re-organized right now, and I THINK my team is going to wind up being the prototyping team. Using existing tech (unity or unreal probably) to develop quick vertical slices of different game ideas. Four month dev cycles, pump em out. Find something that sticks, refine it, and pass it along to a larger development team. Or keep the project, and just start building it out ourselves.
I hope thats what happens. Im super excited for the coming weeks. There was even talk of looking into the upcoming VR space. If we want to get in on that, this is the time to do it. The VR headsets are coming Q4 this year and Q1 next, and the people who make the money are the ones who are going to be ready day 1. We have the time, im hoping that the right calls get made :D