Well first it is hot. Insufferably hot. Add to it high humidity and Philly just isn't a great place to be. It was bad enough that @synatra left us for Florida, a void that is still felt throughout the city but now this heat. Ugh. @bandit graced us for a few nights to shoot a sure to be awesome set. I hope she enjoyed the...
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I’m sorry😢

Saw this very good film in IMAX tonight. Lots of twists and references to previous Bond novels and films. Some obvious most not so. While IMAX has great sound, most theaters today have great sound, at least the chain theaters. The one thing that struck me is that the IMAX screens are the same size screens I grew up with before they decided to carve...
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A blissful meal.

Beautiful 💕

Well I have not been on for a bit because of travel and work and travel and vacations. I could not access SG for a long time until I tried logging on by Google Chrome. Tada! It works. After a couple of months I am still not used to the new layout but life is change of course so I plod along. My work travel...
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I just saw the weather forecast for Philadelphia. From today to July 10 it is the same everyday, Scattered Thunderstorms. They are not scattering much as the rain has been virtually constant. I was driving back home this morning when I saw a woman down the street mosing her lawn. In the driving rain! As I was passing she paused and put her hand out...
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Aww, thank you! I don't know about that but I'll take the compliment wink
Just got back from a business trip to Washington, DC and NOVA. Traffic was horrendous to say the least. But i did notice something. No matter how bad the traffic no on blows their horn. In Philly horn blowing is lamost required. Found a nice bar and restaurant in Springfield, VA called, "Mike's American Grill" Ask for Nicole, she's a gem.
I think I noticed that about honking when I was in Philly. No one honks around here.
As a Philadelphian, I enjoyed reading this  😆 so true!
Working for the Federal Government has it moments. Lately I have been very busy and racking up a lot of hotel stays that will yield some free nights for personal use. The work is interesting and rewarding. A lot of it is "detective work" so to speak which translates to a helluva lot of research and tracking facts down.

The worst part is this federal...
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Have fun on vacation! Going anywhere?
Thank you dear. Yes, going on a short four day tour of Civil War sites in absolutely beautiful country. Come the fall....Canada again.
What a small world. Flew back home from a short stay in St. Louis and there in the plane is my cousin and her family flying home from Texas.
July 10-14
Awesome!!! I have the ultimate sexy title....
Went to a great place Saturday. Movie Tavern in Collegeville, PA It is a combination movie theater with the gratest reclining seats and a bar/restaurant. They bring the food and drink right to your little table and refill when necessary throughout the film.

I must go there again.
Sounds like AMC... there's one in Atlanta and 1 here locally, too. I've heard good things. I must go myself sometime! Glad you enjoyed it <3
I hear that. Once I'm in a place of my own, that is going to be the first order of business. Ensuring a gas range. smile

Good luck on the new kitchen!