Well it has been a sad shitty weekend for me. It is so sad since the weekend has so much potential. Friday was sad because my super sweet super nice SUPER cute brother in law didnt want to leave and we didnt want Im to go but he had to goso sad. Then I went on a car trip yesterday and well my car the one I love the one I have been talking about for a month broke down, It was totally my fault I didnt do what all good car mommies should do. And I cracked the radiator. FUCK!!!!!!! So today my son missed school and I have no clue what I am going to do tomorrow I have to be at the school tomorrow and no way to get that my old car ( hubbys car needs to be registered and in needs emitions(sp?) done which I cant pay for now cause of the tow and fix on my car) I hate money. I hate not having enough. Im not sure what I did to piss off karma but Im really sorry I did it. Well thats been my issue sorry to bitch.


Happy birthday!!!